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UI Automation Tools

UI Automation Tools. Ranorex Appium Calabash. Tool Evaluation. Ranorex - Advantages. Cross platform support Test Automation Library for .Net Standard programming langauges C# and VB.Net for scripting

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UI Automation Tools

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  1. UI Automation Tools Ranorex Appium Calabash

  2. Tool Evaluation

  3. Ranorex - Advantages Cross platform support Test Automation Library for .Net Standard programming langauges C# and VB.Net for scripting Test development environment (Ranorex Studio) features recorder, debugger, object spy and repository Flexible Test Automation Library Interface Test suites with Ranorex results in .EXE files for simple integration with test management, behaviour driven development and continuous integration server tools Customizable Test report engine.

  4. How does it work? Gherkin 4. Specflow reads bdd (formatted in Gherkin) Device/Simulator 3. Team city runs Visual Studio project 6. Test Scripts runs on RT App. 5. Connects to device through WiFi Android Run Tests (TeamCity Server) + Visual Studio RT App (Our Build) SpecFlow Ranorex Library iOS 2. .Exe is stored in repository 1.BDD Stories are turned into Visual studio projects 3333 Windows BDD Stories SVN

  5. Ranorex-Disadvantages Xamarin related automation Issues Support takes more time for Xamarin related issues Ranorex agent compatibility with Application is poor and causes crashing as new features are introduced in app Instrumented application is slower than original Application Some Touch gestures/Drag and drop operation not supported In case of crashing/hanging, Automatic launching of closed Application is not supported Need to provide long waiting times for object identification.

  6. Appium - Advantages • Active community • No extra code into application • Open source – we can make our own fixes and ask for pull requests on github • Easier to learn and implement than Calabash • Element inspector in Appium app

  7. Appium - Disadvantages • Over 50 open bugs with iOS • Unable to get hooks on certain elements in complicated apps(programme detail page). • https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/537 • Inconsistent with outcomes(due to no wait/delay) • Currently cannot drag – known logged bug

  8. Appium - Demo

  9. Calabash - Advantages • Now owned by Xamarin • Wait/sleep functionality • Can swipe • BDD Layer easily configurable

  10. Calabash - Disadvantages • Not tested enough? • No updates in months – maybe due to takeover from xamarin so may become closed source. • Must be written in Ruby and cucumber - Can be tricky

  11. Calabash - Demo

  12. Conclusion Best tool to use is Calabash: • Owned and supported by Xamarin • More stable and reliable, testing is more consistent. • Easier to setup the BDD layer for QA’s

  13. How does it work? Gherkin 1. Team city runsCucumber scripts. 2. Cucumber reads BDD (formatted in Gherkin) Android Run Tests (TeamCity Server) Xamarin (Our Build) Cucumber Calabash iOS 3. From the parsed Gherkin files, Cucumber runs the retrieved Ruby files and methods. WP 4. Ruby talks to calabash to run commands on the platforms. Ruby

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