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This paper presents the design and implementation of the NOAA Tsunami Forecasting System (TFS) using a service-oriented architecture. The TFS utilizes advanced tsunami measurement and numerical modeling technology to provide accurate and timely tsunami forecasts. The system incorporates modular design and proven technologies to enhance scalability and flexibility.
NOAA Tsunami Forecasting System:Design and Implementation Using Service Oriented Architecture D.W. Denbo1, K.T. McHugh1, J.R. Osborne2, P. Sorvik1, and A.J. Venturato11UW/JISAO-NOAA/PMEL2OceanAtlas Software IIPS Session 3AAmerican Meteorological SocietyJanuary 14-18, 2007, San Antonio TX
Introduction • The Tsunami Forecast System (TFS) is designed to take advantage of recent advances in tsunami measurement and numerical modeling technology by the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research. • The development of TFS is being done in collaboration with the National Weather Service Tsunami Warning Centers. • SIFT (Short-term Inundation Forecasting for Tsunamis) is one of the operational components of TFS. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Design Goals To provide the Tsunami Warning Centers with an operational system that meets the centers needs, we have have chosen a design that: • Provides a robust cross-platform architecture. • Uses proven technologies to increase scalability. • Uses a modular design for maximum flexibility and reusable components. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Technology Used • Java 5.0 as the primary programming language. • Java Swing for the user interface. • Jini/JavaSpaces 2.1 to provide the Service Oriented Architecture • PostgreSQL 8.0 with PostGIS 1.0 for spatially-enable relational databases. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Architecture • Major SIFT components include: • SIFTCore - Coordinates system activities. • SIFTFMS - Monitors file system for new seismic events and sea-level data. • SIFTView - GUI for operation interaction with SIFT • SIFTNode - Coordinates the computational needs of SIFT. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Architecture • More SIFT components: • PropDBService - Accesses data from multi-terabyte database of open ocean tsunami propagation results. • DataService - Coordinates the ingestion of sea-level data. • ResultService - manages the results from SIFTNode. 23rd Conference on IIPS
SIFTCore Functions provided by SIFTCore: • HeartBeat Monitor. Monitors the health of the individual system components. • Job Automation. Controls transactions, duplicate requests, and required automated behavior. • GUI Manager. Coordinates communications between SIFTView and the rest of SIFT. 23rd Conference on IIPS
SIFTCore Functions provided by SIFTCore: • TFS Manager. Coordinates between SIFTCore subsystems. • Data Monitor. Coordinates with SIFTFMS to import seismic events and sea-level data into SIFT. • Relational Database. Stores system configuration, tidal coefficients, GUI configuration, and performs transaction management. 23rd Conference on IIPS
SIFTNode Jobs coordinated by SIFTNode include: • FirstEstimate. Uses a single Unit Source nearest the epicenter to create a quick forecast of wave height and arrival time. • CoastalForecast. Computes a forecast (coastal) using all Unit Sources for each warning point. • Inversion. Uses actual sea-level observations combined with model forecast to determine an improved slip distribution. • LaterWaves. Using actual sea-level observations to statistically forecast later wave heights. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Computation Node GUI-1 GUI-2 CoastalForcast NodeDispatch JavaSpace FirstEstimate Job Control TFSManager GUIManager DataMonitor data base FileMonitor datafiles SIFTCore
Implementation In the development of SIFT we used: • JBuilder IDE for Java development. • Java coding standards. • Unit testing using JUnit. • Configuration and software source code control with subversion. • Bug and issue tracking with Mantis, a php/MySQL/web based system. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Future Directions SIFT is presently at version 1.5. Future releases will include: • Real-time deep-water buoy measurements assimilated with model results. • Inundation models will provide improved estimates of onshore amplitude. • Later waves will be predicted using the arrival time and amplitude of the initial tsunami wave. 23rd Conference on IIPS
Links • NOAA Center for Tsunami Researchhttp://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/ • NOAA Tsunami Websitehttp://www.tsunami.noaa.gov/ 23rd Conference on IIPS