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Security course

Security course. Jean-Roland Schuler jroland.schuler@eif.ch. Symmetric cipher. The same key is used for the encryption and decryption. Examples: DES, 3-DES, IDEA, Blowfish, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, AES. Block cipher: ECB Mode.

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Security course

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  1. Security course Jean-Roland Schuler jroland.schuler@eif.ch

  2. Symmetric cipher The same key is used for the encryption and decryption • Examples: DES, 3-DES, IDEA, Blowfish, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, AES

  3. Block cipher: ECB Mode • Block cipher: the message is divided in block with same length (64 bits) • ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode Main default: the same block always gives the same crypted value

  4. Block cipher: CBC Mode CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode For the first block, we need an IV (Initial Vector)

  5. Block cipher: CFB Mode CFB (Cipher Feedback) Mode For the first block, we need an IV (Initial Vector)

  6. Block cipher: OFB Mode OFB (Output Feedback) Mode For the first block, we need an IV (Initial Vector)

  7. Symmetric cipher: DES • IBM developped the DES in 1973 • DES is a symmetric block cipher • The key length is 56 bits (64 bits but 1bit/byte is for parity) • The algorithm for the encryption and for the decryption is the same • DES uses only standard operations (shift, xor, …) • DES uses different modes: ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB

  8. Symmetric cipher: DES • IP, Initial permutation • 16 rounds where the key (Ki) is used with ‘f’ function

  9. Symmetric cipher: DES • Details of a DES round

  10. Symmetric cipher: DES • For each round, we have a new sub key obtained with a shift • Shift  weak keys • 0000000 0000000 • 0000000 FFFFFFF • FFFFFFF 0000000 • FFFFFFF FFFFFFF

  11. Stream cipher: RC4 • RC4 is a stream cipher designed by Ron Rivest (RSA Security firm) in 1987. • It was kept as a trade secret until it leaked out in 1994. • It is a variable key-size stream cipher with byte-oriented operations • RC4 is 10 time faster than DES.

  12. Stream cipher: RC4 • RC4 has two parts: • A key scheduling algorithm (KSA) which combines a random key (whose typical size is 40-256 bits) and an initial vector S0 (S0 = {0, …, N-1}) which generate an initial permutation vector S • An output generation part (PRGA) which uses the initial permutation vector S, two indices i and j and the clear text. The PRGA generates a pseudo-random output sequence which is the cipher text

  13. Stream cipher: RC4, KSA KSA (K): K = Key; len = Key’s length, N=256 Initialization: For i = 0 … N-1 S[ i ] = i j = 0 KSA generation: For i = 0 … N-1 j = j + S[ i ] +K[ i mod len] Swap (S[ i ], S[ j ])

  14. Stream cipher: RC4, PRGA PRGA; p = clear text, c = cipher text, N = 256 Initialization: i = 0 j = 0 Loop: i = i + 1 j = j +S[ i ] Swap (S[ i ], S[ j ]) z = (S[ S[ i ] + S[ j ]]) mod N

  15. Stream cipher: RC4, encryption Encryption: Ci = Zi  Pi Decryption: Pi = Ci  Zi = Zi Pi  Zi = Pi

  16. Stream cipher: Code, KSA www.openssl.org void RC4_set_key(RC4_KEY *key, int len, const unsigned char *data) { .. d= &(key->data[0]); for (i=0; i<256; i++) d[i]=i; key->x = 0; key->y = 0; id1=id2=0; #define SK_LOOP(n) { \ tmp=d[(n)]; \ id2 = (data[id1] + tmp + id2) & 0xff; \ if (++id1 == len) id1=0; \ d[(n)]=d[id2]; \ d[id2]=tmp; } for (i=0; i < 256; i+=4) { SK_LOOP(i+0); SK_LOOP(i+1); SK_LOOP(i+2); SK_LOOP(i+3); } }

  17. Stream cipher: Code, PRGA Code example: Main part void RC4(RC4_KEY *key, unsigned long len, const unsigned char *indata, unsigned char *outdata) { .. #define LOOP(in,out) \ x=((x+1)&0xff); \ tx=d[x]; \ y=(tx+y)&0xff; \ d[x]=ty=d[y]; \ d[y]=tx; \ (out) = d[(tx+ty)&0xff]^ (in); #define RC4_LOOP(a,b,i) LOOP(*((a)++),*((b)++)) if (i) { for (;;) { RC4_LOOP(indata,outdata,0); …. } }

  18. Stream cipher: Encryption Class definition class CRC4 {public: CRC4(); void init (unsigned char *pKey, int keyLength); void crypt (unsigned char *pIn, int lengthIn, unsigned char *pOut); private: RC4_KEY key; }; CRC4::CRC4(){}; void CRC4::init(unsigned char *pKey, int keyLength){ RC4_set_key(&key, keyLength, pKey); } void CRC4::crypt(unsigned char *pIn, int lengthIn, unsigned char *pOut){ RC4(&key,lengthIn,pIn,pOut); }

  19. Stream cipher: Encryption Program ... rc4.init (&keyRC4[0], sizeof(keyRC4)); for (length = sizeBuf; length == sizeBuf;) { length = fread (pBufIn, 1, sizeBuf, pSource); rc4.crypt (pBufIn, length, pBufOut); fwrite (pBufOut, 1, length, pDest); } ..

  20. Asymmetric cipher Public keys exchange between Bob and Alice • Examples: RSA, DSS, Diffie-Hellman

  21. Asymmetric cipher: RSA • We must choose 2 great prime numbers: p and q • We compute: n = p*q • We choose a numberewhich is prime with (p-1)(q-1)no common denominator • We compute a number d with this property: • (e * d) modulo {(p-1)(q-1)} = 1 • Example: • p = 47, q = 71 • n = p*q = 3337 • (n-1)(p-1) = 46 * 70 = 3220  e = 79 • d = 1019: (79 * 1019) modulo(3220)=1 (Euclide algorithm)

  22. Asymmetric cipher: RSA • d and nare prime • e and n are used for the public key • d is the private key • p and q can be deleted Encrypt: ci = mie modulo n Decrypt: mi = cid modulo n

  23. Example: We will crypt this message: • m = 6882326879666683 • We divide this message in 6 parts: • m1 = 688 • m2 = 232 • m3 = 687 • m4 = 966 • m5 = 668 • m6 = 3 • c1 = mie modulo n = 68879 modulo 3337 = 1570 • c = 1570 2756 2091 2276 2423 158 • For the decryption: m1 = 15701019 modulo 3337 = 688 Asymmetric cipher: RSA

  24. References • Cryptographie appliquée, Bruce Schneier, 2e edition, WILEY, 1997, 2-84180-036-9 • Cryptographie, Théorie et Pratique, Douglas Stinson, 1996, 2-84180-013-X • Développement d’applications sécurisées, Daniel Bruegger, 2001, Ecole d’Ingénieurs et d’architectes de Fribourg

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