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Transition to hydrogen requires comprehensive information sharing for safety. The Sourcebook for Hydrogen Applications contains crucial information for stakeholders to make informed decisions. To capture the global experience, the project is expanding to include information from APEC economies like regulatory processes, codes, and standards. The project aims to develop a document relevant to various stakeholders such as policymakers, insurers, and researchers. Workshops and discussions have been conducted to gather insights and recommendations for future projects. The Sourcebook updates cover the progress and plans of economies like Australia, Canada, and Japan in regulating hydrogen applications. This project is crucial for the transition to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies worldwide.
Sourcebook for Hydrogen ApplicationsExpansion & Dissemination APEC EGNRET Meeting Chinese Taipei November 1, 2005 Jeffrey Serfass General Manager Partnership for Advancing the Transition to Hydrogen
Rationale • Transition to hydrogen requires comprehensive information sharing • Safety is critical: A hydrogen incident anywhere impacts hydrogen programs everywhere • The most effective means of avoiding and minimizing hydrogen incidents is accessible authoritative information • Sourcebook for Hydrogen Applications contains the information; effective communication of its information is required
Project Benefits • Expand the Sourcebook to capture the global experience and allow us to learn from each other • Produce the Sourcebook in a format with global reach • Reach stakeholders and the public with the information that they need to make informed decisions about hydrogen
Capturing the Global Experience • PATH is obtaining information from APEC economies to include in the Sourcebook • Elements of the required information are: • Understanding of APEC economies’ regulatory processes • Overview of APEC economies’ codes and standards • Brief description of hydrogen demonstrations
What Makes the Sourcebook Project Different? • Develop a document that contains information relevant to a: • Policymaker • Insurer • Local regulatory official • Project developer • Educator (Public) • Researcher • Investor
Methodology • Begin with existing data from North America • Perform literature and Web search • E-mail to in-economy contacts • Fill in gaps • Update Sourcebook for APEC economies
Workshops • Two workshops held to collect and direct communication with standards developers and demonstration teams. • CUERNAVACA, MEXICO • November 22, 2004 • Canada, Japan, Mexico, US • HONOLULU, HAWAI‘I, USA • May 16, 2005 • Australia, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Thailand, US
Mexico Workshop • Questions asked during discussion session: • What is the major driver for the hydrogen energy use in your economy? • What is the major barrier? • What is the major application? • What is the demonstration project required for the major hydrogen application to be realized? • Are codes and standards necessary before you can deploy and conduct your demonstration projects? • Describe your economy’s codes and standards process? • Are you planning to develop hydrogen and fuel cell codes and standards? And if so, will you adopt them from international or other economies’ standards?
Hawai’i Workshop • Following economy presentations, participants engaged in 2 roundtable discussions: Hydrogen Demonstration Projects and Hydrogen Codes and Standards. • Hydrogen Demonstration Projects • Participants were asked to consider: • Does the lack of codes and standards impede the deployment of demonstration projects in your economy? • What recommendations can you provide for future APEC projects? • Hydrogen Codes and Standards • Participants were asked to analyze a list of government roles
Workshop Results • Support for Sourcebook Expansion • Understanding of the varying drivers among economies for hydrogen energy • Discussion of varying primary end-use applications • Understanding of key political, technical, and economic challenges • Highlighted the differences in regulatory structures and current status of adoption of codes and standards for hydrogen energy systems
Workshop Findings • Asia-Pacific Rim has a long term vision for renewable energy and hydrogen • Major barriers must be overcome. • Most APEC economies lack codes and standards necessary for hydrogen and fuel cell commercialization on a large scale. • Lack of uniform codes and standards among economies that have adopted them. • Transition to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies will continue. • The Sourcebook for Hydrogen Applications is a tool to incorporate different economies’ codes and standards in a user friendly program, saving officials valuable time and resources for looking up information. • The Sourcebook can support this transition and be updated on a regular basis to assure the information contained within is reliable.
Sourcebook Updates • Australia • Australia is not actively pursuing in-economy regulations for hydrogen and is planning to build on existing efforts while maintaining best interest of Australian markets against de facto barriers. • Canada • Canadian context has been thoroughly documented in terms of regulatory structure and the approval process. • Japan • Japanese section is quite sufficient, although lacking in some key areas: • Extensive description of the regulatory structure in minute detail from within the Japanese context. • Verifying if the content sufficiently assesses the approval process. • Assess whether content is up to date, and of the future plans listed, which plan Japan has decided to implement. • Mexico • Mexican content inputs serve as the current template for future APEC member economy additions. Documents a comprehensive program for obtaining approvals in Mexico, and offers information in English and Spanish.
Next Steps • Update the Sourcebook with the information that is coming is from APEC economies (current activity) • Deliver to APEC revised Sourcebook (by 31 December 2005) • Demonstration of interactive features • Will be available for all APEC Economies to use