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Dance and Movement

True or False * Dance is always done to music. *You need a partner to dance. *The first ballet dancers were men. *To dance, you need special training and to be thin. Dance and Movement. What is the difference between everyday movements and dance? When does movement become dance?

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Dance and Movement

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  1. True or False*Dance is always done to music.*You need a partner to dance.*The first ballet dancers were men.*To dance, you need special training and to be thin.

  2. Dance and Movement • What is the difference between everyday movements and dance? • When does movement become dance? • Movement becomes dance when the elements of dance (space, time, and force) are intentionally incorporated. • AH-E-2.1.31, AH-M-2.1.33

  3. ceremonial (religion, celebration, ritual), recreational (folk, social dancing, aerobic dance), and artistic (ballet, modern, narrative, tap, lyrical). AH-E-2.2.32 Dance has 3 main purposes:

  4. Culture and Dance • Nearly all cultures incorporate dance in some way. • Dance is a major component of many cultures. • Dance is often used to communicate or celebrate.

  5. Some more about dance and culture • Cultures use dance in ways that are both social and personal. • What are some examples of culture and dance you can think of? How do those cultures use dance? • AH-E-2.2.33, A-HI-2.2.31, AH-M-2.2.32

  6. Dance is also representative of time periods.What time period do you think of whenyou hear:*Charleston,*Virginia Reel,*Swing,*Disco,*Break dancing, or*Hip Hop?How are the dances of these time periods related to the politics of the time?AH-H-2.3.31, AH-H-2.3.311

  7. All dance movements can be labeled as locomotor or nonlocomotor. • LOCOMOTOR-movements that travel • NONLOCOMOTOR-movements that do not change location • AH-E-2.1.31

  8. Dances are created by combining locomotor and nonlocomotor movements. A dance, like a book, has a beginning, a middle, and an end. AH-M-2.1.34

  9. Dance is not only a combination of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements, but also the essential elements of SPACE, TIME, AND FORCE. AH-E-2.1.31, AH-M-2.1.31

  10. SPACE • Pathways-curved lines, straight lines, zigzags, circles, figure-eights, and many more • Shapes-large, small, rounded, and angular • Levels-high, low, on the floor • Direction-forward, backwards, diagonally, sideways

  11. FORCE • QUALITY-smooth, sharp, bound, free, flowing • ENERGY-weak, strong • WEIGHT-heavy, light, suspended collapsed

  12. TIME • TEMPO-fast, slow, moderate • DURATION-short, long • BEAT-pulse of the music

  13. Dance is often used to tell a story.AH-M-2.2.31, AH-2.2.32, AH-E.2.1.31

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