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The moon of magpies quarrelling

By: Alice Major Carmen Tang. The moon of magpies quarrelling. Thematic Statement. Magpies’ are compared to the court. Paraphrase. “shimmers in the pale sky of early morning like a court reporter's screen .”

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The moon of magpies quarrelling

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  1. By: Alice Major Carmen Tang The moon of magpies quarrelling

  2. Thematic Statement Magpies’ are compared to the court

  3. Paraphrase • “shimmers in the pale sky of early morninglike a court reporter's screen.” • “It recordsthe magpies' proceedings - litigious birds with ermine draped across their glossy shoulders,” • The shimmers in sky is like a court reporter’s screen • Like how the sky watches the magpies’ a court reporter records a court in session

  4. Paraphrase • “their bellies drooped in prosperous curves.” • “They introduce their offspring to the court's attention in harsh, good-natured voices.” • Magpies stand with heads high like upper class • The magpie introduces their offspring to the world like how a judge introduces the accused to the court

  5. Paraphrase • “They teach their fledglings legalese, the valueof bright shiny objects and their importancein the scheme of branches.” • The magpies’ young learn about shiny objects and branches like how a young lawyer learns how to win in court

  6. Paraphrase • “They do not mean to be so handsome, so much bigger than the other birds, or to have such clever eyes. It's just the way things are, they telljudiciously brightening skies.” • The magpies have a handsome figure and clever eyes like how judges are skillful to convince the judge

  7. Poetic Devises shimmers in the pale sky of early morning like a court reporter's screen. It records the magpies' proceedings - litigious birds with ermine draped across their glossy shoulders,their bellies drooped in prosperous curves.They introduce their offspring to the court's attention in harsh, good-natured voices.They teach their fledglings legalese, the value of bright shiny objects and their importance in the scheme of branches.They do not mean to beso handsome, so much bigger than the other birds, or to have such clever eyes. It's just the way things are, they tell judiciously brightening skies. • shimmers in the pale sky of early morning like a court reporter's screen – simile • Shimmers in sky are compared to a court report’s screen • ermine draped across their glossy shoulders – imagery • Image of ermine on their shoulders

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