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Nick Dupuy Gabe McKinney. The BoE Bot and You. Overview. The project was to program the BoE Bot to solve a maze with a ramp at the end Several trials preceded the final test Various states of success and failure were experienced. Driving Questions.
Nick Dupuy Gabe McKinney The BoE Bot and You
Overview • The project was to program the BoE Bot to solve a maze with a ramp at the end • Several trials preceded the final test • Various states of success and failure were experienced
Driving Questions • How can one make a robot autonomously solve a maze with a ramp at the end? • What kinds of sensors are most efficient at aiding in problem solving? • What is the most efficient way to wire the robot? • What is the simplest code one can write that will still effectively solve the maze?
Methods • Each sensor was learned by completing tasks with them • Coding was a key element of the project, the shorter the code, the less bugs.
Methods • In the final challenge, the first step was to wire the BoE Bot with the desired sensors. • We used the accelerometer and the whiskers, but we modified the whiskers to be responsive in four directions.
Methods • Figuring out the correct code was the second hurdle to overcome. • Short codes are less buggy, but longer codes take more variables into account. • The perfect sized code was desired to solve the maze. • Many test runs ensued to be sure that the code would work.
Results • The final runs of the BoE Bot were unsuccessful in solving the maze. • The code was irregular, working on test runs, but failing on the recorded runs • A greater understanding of the code would have helped make the robot a success.
Discussion • The shortcomings of the BoE Bot could have been avoided with a greater understanding of the code. • More team interaction could have helped the project to become a success. • If more time were to be provided I would have done more testing on the current code to try to determine what made it irregular.
Discussion • More time would have made a large impact on the project, but it was not impossible to do in the time given, I almost accomplished the set goal.
Summary • Although the robot was not able to solve the maze, I believe it did well in the competition. • Wiring and coding skills were greatly improved throughout the project. • A greater understanding of electronics and robotics was achieved.