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Trebuchet!. Arc. Arc- A bow-shaped curve or a segment of a circle. Diameter. The distance from one side of a circle or sphere to the other passing through the center of the circle or sphere. Distance. Distance- The measure of length between two points. Equation.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trebuchet!

  2. Arc • Arc- A bow-shaped curve or a segment of a circle.

  3. Diameter • The distance from one side of a circle or sphere to the other passing through the center of the circle or sphere.

  4. Distance • Distance- The measure of length between two points.

  5. Equation • Equation- A statement of relation between two quantities

  6. Fulcrum • Fulcrum- The point or support at which a lever pivots.

  7. Gravity • Gravity- The force that pulls all objects toward the center of Earth.

  8. Kinetic Energy • Kinetic Energy- The energy of motion; 1/2 x mass x velocity squared.

  9. Mass • Mass- The amount of matter in an object.

  10. Measure • Measure- To determine the amount of length, volume, or mass.

  11. Position • Position- Location in space.

  12. Potential Energy • Potential Energy- Energy an object has because of its position; starting energy.

  13. Range • Range- The distance a projectile travels.

  14. Re-engineer • Re-engineer- to redesign and make different.

  15. Trajectory • Trajectory- The curve described by a projectile in flight.

  16. Trebuchet • Trebuchet- A medieval siege machine using a counterweight to throw a projectile.

  17. Trends • Trends- The patterns or directions associated with a set of data.

  18. Velocity • Velocity- The speed and direction of an object’s motion.

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