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Sra. Rump NHS español I. How DO Spanish folks greet each other?. Let’s watch a few video clips Michelle Obama & her daughter meet the King & Queen of Spain (2 different video clips)
Sra. Rump NHS español I
How DO Spanish folks greet each other? • Let’s watch a few video clips • Michelle Obama & her daughter meet the King & Queen of Spain (2 different video clips) • With the 1st clip- please listen carefully for cognates. The reporter speaks very quickly, but I think you’ll be able to understand the cognates • Spain’s World Cup Soccer team meets the King of Spain • France’s King & Queen meet the Spanish Royal family • Discuss: • Describe what you noticed as you watched these clips? • Did they greet people differently from how you greet friends? Explain how so?
Unit Objectives • •By End of Unit: Students will be able to –Greet people & introduce themselves –Ask basic get-to-know you questions about feelings, birthdays, age, date, & time • –Say goodbye to a person • –Understand different levels of formality used in Spanish conversations *Go over learner profile, stamp sheet, grading • It’s the pick up artist unit! • Dance Hall Greeting video
Learning Goals for this Lesson Lesson Essential Question How do I introduce myself formally & informally to my friends in Spanish? Can I also say goodbye to friends in Spanish? • Recognize at least 3 Spanish Hello/ • Goodbye phrases • Greet each other informally in Spanish.
Compañeros • Compañero= conversation partner • 4 step process • Select a person sitting next to you at your table group/ a seat mate whom you’ll feel comfortable speaking Spanish with. I’ll let you choose from your group for round 1. IF the compañerosaren’t working, then I’ll SWITCH you. • Decide who’s going to speak 1st. They raise their hand when Sra. Rump says “Empezamos” • Following examples, begin your conversación/ review practice. Then switch when your done, so that your compañerohas a chance to start the conversación. • Listen for the “Silencio” command from Sra. Rump which is your clue to stop conversing & be silent! Let’s practice…. 2x’s Find your Compañero……. Empezamos..... ¡Silencio!
Compañeros • Turn to your compañero say “Hola”. • They reply “Buenos Dias”. • Switch conversaciónaround so you both have a turn to say “Hola”. • Un minuto-- ¡Silencio! • Hand out & review Saludospacket
Video Spanish Teacher • Watch 1st ½ of Sr. Jordan- Basic Conversación video clip • Sr. Jordan does a great job reviewing what we’ve just learned. • Follow along & repeat the phrases after he says them.
Compañeros • Compañero……. • Turn to your compañero again a different greeting phrase you just heard Sr. Jordan use. • They reply “Buenos Dias/ Tardes/ Noches”. • Switch conversaciónaround so you both have a chance to begin. • Un minuto¡Silencio! Sra. Waters
Sample Exit Visa • Isabel Jennings • Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase • Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase • Spanish Hello/ Goodbye phrase Sra. Waters