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Oleg Verkhodanov, Vladimir Sokolov, Margarita Khabibullina Special astrophysical observatory Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russia. Correlation of GRB and CMB peaks ( view from the CMB frame ). GRBs: BeppoSAX (red) + BATSE (white). BATSE. BeppoSAX. t<2s. t<2s. t >2s.
Oleg Verkhodanov, Vladimir Sokolov, Margarita Khabibullina Special astrophysical observatory Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russia Correlation of GRB and CMB peaks (view from the CMB frame)
BATSE BeppoSAX t<2s t<2s t >2s t >2s
Multipole expansion L =3 (octupole) L = 2 (quadrupole) L = 5 L = 4
ILC map: different resolution Lmax=150, w=36'x36' Lmax=20, w=260'x260'
ILC map: Lmax=150 BATSE BeppoSAX t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
ILC map: Lmax=20 BATSE BeppoSAX t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
What could we await from correlation ? 1) GRBs as cosmological star formation regions a) Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (< ~4') b) Sachs-Wolfe effect (>200') 2) Something else 3) Nothing
What could we await from correlation ? 1) GRBs as cosmological star formation regions a) Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (< ~4') b) Sachs-Wolfe effect (>200') 2) Something else 3) Nothing Let us look at statistics
First way: measuring pixel values of CMB in the GRB pixels
First way: measuring pixel values of CMB in the GRB pixels T Mission Lmax Nt Ne Model t<2s BATSE 150 497 244 249+/-11 t>2s BATSE 150 1540 763 769+/-19 t<2s BATSE 20 497 250 248+/-13 t>2s BATSE 20 1540 781 768+/-32 t<2s BeppoSAX 150 87 43 44+/- 5 t>2s BeppoSAX 150 694 339 347+/-15 t<2s BeppoSAX 20 87 50 44+/- 5 ? t>2s BeppoSAX 20 694 346 348+/-18
ILC map statistics: Lmax=20 BeppoSAX BATSE t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
ILC map statistics: Lmax=150 BeppoSAX BATSE t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
Put pixels on a sphere and add ecliptic coordinate system...
Put pixels on a sphere and and intergrate them in 700'x700' pix
Map of CMB pixels in GRB positions Pixel integration Smoothed
Quadrupole of CMB pixels in GRB positions Quadrupole Ecliptic C.S.
Quadrupole of CMB pixels in GRB positions Ecliptic C.S. OR Equatorial C.S. (both ?)
So, what do we see ? Small extra-pixel statistics knows about ecliptic or/and equatorial coordinate system...
Second way: correlation of CMB and GRB maps
GRBs maps, pixel w=200'x200' BeppoSAX BATSE t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
BATSE correlation 500' with BeppoSAX CMB t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s
BATSE correlation with BeppoSAX CMB t < 2s t < 2s t > 2s t > 2s smoothed
BATSE correlation with BeppoSAX CMB Spectrum, max at L=2 Spectrum, max at L=3 t > 2s t > 2s
BATSE correlation with BeppoSAX CMB L=2 L=3 t > 2s t > 2s
BATSE correlation with BeppoSAX CMB L=2 L=3 t > 2s t > 2s Equatorial coord. system
There are some non-gaussian features in the GRB-CMB correlations in: 1) Ecliptic coordinate system – solar wind in Ecl.Poles ? 2) Equatorial Coor. S. - cosmic rays around Earth? 3) Small strange statistics ? ? Not only GRBs know coordinate systems, but CMB knows equatorial system too !... Interesting information can be obtained from GRBs redshifts.