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E.A. (Libby) Dayton SENR, Ohio State University dayton.15@osu

Validation/Revision of the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index Using Field-Scale, Edge-of-Field Monitoring Data. E.A. (Libby) Dayton SENR, Ohio State University dayton.15@osu.edu Kevin King Soil Drainage Research Unit, USDA-ARS. Phosphorus (P)

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E.A. (Libby) Dayton SENR, Ohio State University dayton.15@osu

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  1. Validation/Revision of the Ohio Phosphorus Risk IndexUsing Field-Scale, Edge-of-Field Monitoring Data E.A. (Libby) DaytonSENR, Ohio State Universitydayton.15@osu.edu Kevin KingSoil Drainage Research Unit, USDA-ARS

  2. Phosphorus (P) Ag. nutrient implicated in degradation of surface water quality P transport into surface water feeds harmful algal blooms

  3. One Major Finding of P Task Force • Agriculture is a primary source of P to Lake Erie Research Needs Consensus: Examine/Revise Ohio Agricultural P management Tools Validation/Revision of the Ohio P Risk IndexUsing Field-Scale, Edge-of-Field Monitoring Data Final Report 2010 http://www.epa.state.oh.us/portals/35/lakeerie/ptaskforce/Task_Force_Final_Report_April_2010.pdf

  4. Ohio Agriculture is Being Targeted due to Nutrient transport intoOhio surface waters Ohio P Index to the Rescue Distressed watershed Regs Ohio surface water quality Bad press / Angry Ohioans Critical Part of Ohio Nutrient Management Plans (NMPs)isOhio P Risk Index Provides a field-scale estimate of Risk of P transport off farm fields The Ohio P Risk Index is used to judge performance OhioPIndex

  5. Edge-of-Field Nutrient Transport Concerns Surface Runoff Tile Drainage Objectives: • Provide confidence that Ohio P Index accurately reflects risk of P transport at the edge-of-field • Increased management options (BMPs) integrated into the Ohio P Index for fields with high scores • Broad implementation of revised and improved Ohio P Index to protect Ohio surface water quality

  6. 1. Validate/Revise Current Ohio P Index: EnsureP Index Scores accurately reflect P transport RISK at the field-scale using, edge-of field monitoring Erosion Potential Soil Test P Filter Strip P Risk Index Score FertilizerManureAmount Hydrologic Group Current Parameters inOhio P Index to calculate scores Low,medium, high&very high risk FertilizerManure Method ConnectivitytoWater

  7. Integrate additional (BMPs) into P Index Give Farmers more management options: Crop rotation Cover crops Erosion Potential Threshold STP Soil Test P Filter Strip Controlled traffic Env. Soil test meth. P Risk Index Score Infiltration rate FertilizerManureAmt. Hydrologic Group Amendment P solubility Amendment timing FertilizerManure Meth. Connectivity Water Conservation tillage Controlled drainage Incorporation fertilizer/manure

  8. Develop On-Line Interactive Tool Easy to use on-line, interactive, GIS based tool so producers can calculate their Index Score.Further! Additional BMP options to choose from to reduce P transport risk and Ohio P Index score 3. Implement Revised Ohio P Index BMP Options to REDUCE P Risk Index Scores Important !! If BMP NOT Officially in Ohio P Risk IndexFarmer does NOT get CREDIT for implementing it

  9. Tasks & Timelines Initial StepsSelect fields (32) & install edge-of-field monitoring equip. Focus on GLSM & Lake Erie western basin Year 1&2 Evaluate and begin revision of Ohio P Index 1. Data collection, Surface runoff and drainage water DRP & TP, All in-field management practices and STP as related to Ohio P Index, 2. Begin development of On-line tool and 3. Outreach what’s going on Year 2&3Evaluate additional BMPs & Integrate into Ohio P Index1. Data collection, Surface runoff and drainage water DRP & TP, All in-field management practices and STP as related to Ohio P Index, 2. Complete On-line tool and 3. Outreach what’s going on Year 2&3 Focus on Outreach/implementation of Revised Ohio P Index 1. Data collection, Surface runoff and drainage water DRP & TP, All in-field management practices and STP as related to Ohio P Index, 2. Monitor and update On-line tool, 3. Outreach what’s going on

  10. The Team Contact: Libby Dayton, dayton.15@osu.edu, 614-688-5917

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