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Have you heảrd thenews?? My friend Ben Murray & Rohan Chaudhari & Harshal Jadhav have released a product that can totally bypass optin and squeezepages… This can give you incredible results to: Eliminateresistance... Win instanttrust... AND create an irresistible urge to opt in to your list with groundbreakingsoftware... That product is calledLeadLock!! Here’s Why LeadLockis the next step in the evolution of opt-in forms & lead magnets: Forget building optin pages & 2 step-optins that ‘hide’ your free report behind aform. LeadLock allows you to give away your free report upfront, giving away value and building trust before you ask for theiremail... ...then capture visitor’s email address while they begin reading your lead magnet. It happens in just 2 simplesteps: People open your free PDF report in their browser or phone – no optinrequired! LeadLock locks specific pages by displaying a fully customizable message to collect people’s email address to unlock that part of your report and can prevent them from downloading the PDF to their desktop or phone,too. We’ve seen conversions drastically increase with this ‘value first’ approach to list building compared to older methods, plus LeadLock solves the major problem of 40- 50% of subscribers never actually going through your free lead magnet after subscribing and remaining ‘cold’ prospects, despite being on yourlist!
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