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Know the suffix and their meaning.

Know the suffix and their meaning. Prefix Meaning Example a-, an- without amoral ante- before antecedent

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Know the suffix and their meaning.

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  1. Know the suffix and their meaning. • Prefix Meaning Example • a-, an- without amoral • ante- before antecedent • anti- against anticlimax • auto- self autopilot • circum- around circumvent • co- with copilot • com-, con- with companion, contact • contra- against contradict • de- off, away from devalue • dis- not disappear • en- put into enclose • ex- out of, former extract, ex-president • extra- beyond, more than extracurricular

  2. Cont… • hetero- different heterosexual • homo- same homonym • hyper- over, more hyperactive • il-, im-, in-, ir- not, without illegal, immoral • in- into insert • inter- between intersect • intra- between intravenous • macro- large macroeconomics • micro- small microscope • mono- one monocle • non- not, without nonentity • omni- all, every omniscient • post- after postmortem

  3. Cont… • pre-, pro- before, forward precede, project • sub- under submarine • syn- same time synchronize • trans- across transmit • tri- three tricycle • un- not unfinished • uni- one unicorn

  4. Know the roots…. Root Meaning Example • agog leader Demagogue (a leader of people) • anthrop man, people anthropology • ali other alienate • am love amiable • arch ruler monarch • aud hear auditory • belli war bellicose • biblio book bibliophile • ben good benevolence

  5. Cont… • medi middle medieval • nov new innovate • oper work operative • phil love philanthropic • cide kill fratricide • vac empty vacuous (no content) • voc voice vociferous (noisy cry) • vol wish volition

  6. Technique • Indefatigable In (not) , de (thoroughly), fatig (fatigue) , able( can do) Meaning- cannot be fatigued, tireless 2. Circumspect circum ( around), spect (to look) Meaning- to look around, to be cautious 3. Antipathy Anti (against), pathy (feel) Meaning- to feel strongly against something; to hate

  7. TRY IT!! • Circumnavigate • Amoral • Benefactor • Misanthrope • infalliable

  8. Answers: • Circum ( around); navigate (to sail); ate ( verb suffix)- to sail around 2. A (without); moral (ethics)- without moral 3. Bene (good); fact (to do)- one who does good deed 4. Mis (bad, hate); anthrop (man)- one who hates mankind 5. In (not); fall (false); ible (suffix) – certain, cannot fail

  9. Know more… - a/n Meaning: not, without Word: • abyss - without bottom - aer/o Meaning: air Words: aerate - to let air reach something; aerial - relating to the air; aerospace - the air space

  10. - alg/o Meaning: pain Words: neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve; analgesic - a drug that makes one pain free; nostalgia - aching for the familiar - ambul Meaning: walk, move Words: amble - to walk in a slow, relaxed way; ambulant - walking or moving around; ambulance - a vehicle that moves a patient

  11. ami/o Meaning: love Words: amiable - friendly, pleasant, lovable; amity - friendly and peaceful relations; amorous - showing romantic love • andr/o Meaning: man, male Words: androgynous - being both male and female; android - resembling a human; misandry - hatred towards men

  12. - anth/o Meaning: flower Words: chrysanthemum and amaranth - names of flowers; anthology - a collection of treasured writings; anthozoan - half plant, half animal, like anemones and corals. - ante Meaning: before, in front Words: antecede - to come before something in time; antemeridian - before noon; anteroom- a small room before the main room

  13. anthrop/o Meaning: human Words: anthropology - the study of mankind; anthropomorphism - giving human form to non-human things; philanthropy - the love to mankind (expressed through good deeds) • arthr/o Meaning: joint Words: arthroscope - a tool to see inside a joint; arthritis - inflammation of a joint; arthropod - invertebrates with jointed legs, like spiders, crustaceans, insects

  14. auto Meaning: self, same, one Words: autocrat - a person who governs with absolute power; autograph - a person's own signature; automatic - moving by itself • avi/a Meaning: bird Words: aviary - a large enclosure for birds; aviatrix - a female airplane pilot; aviation - the art of designing or operating aircraft

  15. bell/i Meaning: war Words: bellicose - warlike; belligerent - hostile, ready to fight; rebel - person who opposes and fights • bibli/o Meaning: book Words: bibliography - a list of books used as sources; bibliomania - an extreme love of books; bibliophile - a person who loves books

  16. cand Meaning: glowing, sparkling Words: candid- free from bias, prejudice, or malice; candle- something that gives light; incandescent- white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat • capt, cept, ceive Meaning: take, hold Words: intercept - to stop or interrupt; perceive - to take notice of something; captivating - taking hold of

  17. com Meaning: together, common Words: commemorate - to memorize together; composition - an arrangement or putting together of parts; commune - living together while owning things in common • cred Meaning: believe Words: credence - belief that something is true or valid; credulous - believing things too easily, gullible; incredible - unbelievable

  18. cruc Meaning: cross Words: crucial-characteristic of or having the form of a cross ; crucifix- the cross itself as a Christian emblem; excruciating-  so intense as to cause great pain or anguish • crypto Meaning: hidden, secret Words: cryptic - of hidden meaning; cryptography - science of secret codes; encrypt - encode into secret code

  19. cumul Meaning: mass, heap Words: accumulate - to gather or pile up; cumulative - gradually building up • curr, curs Meaning: run Words: concurrent- running parallel; current- flowing easily and smoothly; cursive- having a flowing, easy, impromptu character

  20. For more information… • https://www.learnthat.org/pages/view/roots.html

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