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List of Healthiest Foods that protect your Heart

Heart is a vital organ of your body which supplies the blood in the entire body through arteries after pumping. There are various problems that are associated with your heart if you are choosing wrong foods.

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List of Healthiest Foods that protect your Heart

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  1. List of Healthiest Foods that protect your Heart Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

  2. Types of Foods That are healthy • Fruits and Vegetables for Fiber and Antioxidants • Whole Grain Is Better Than Refined Grain • Nuts and Seeds Can Improve Your Heart Health • Fish for EPA and DHA

  3. Top Foods for Healthy Heart Salmon Rich source of omega-3 fatty acid, salmon is considered as a heart-healthy food. Apart from that, eating salmon twice in a weak prevent the risk of blood clotting and control blood pressure. Salmon is good for those patients who are dealing with heart attack. Moreover, it is good source of powerful antioxidants like carotenoid and astaxanthin. Remember; always choose wild salmon instead of farming salmon. There are many other fishes which are healthy for your heart like mackerel, tuna, sardines etc.

  4. Avocado Avocados contain heart-healthy fats and also lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, it is a super fruit that fully loaded with the monounsaturated fat and enhance the level of good cholesterol in the body. Avocados are very essential for heart because they also contain other cartenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene. And these cartenoids are very essential for healthy heart.

  5. Pomegranates The juice of pomegranate contains unique antioxidants which reduce the risk of plaque formation. In addition pomegranate juice is also lower down the level of LDL (bad cholesterol). Overall, this fruit improve the blood circulation in the entire body by preventing the arteries blockage and minimize the risk of heart diseases.

  6. Whole Grains A whole grain is a good source of soluble fiber and drag out the bad cholesterol from your body. If body required cholesterol in the future then it takes from the blood cholesterol supply and improves circulation along with heart health. Here are the lists of foods that contain whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, wheat bread etc.

  7. Nuts There are various types of nuts which are heart-healthy. Consuming nuts is not only improving the brain power but also lower the risk of different health diseases. The presence of monounsaturated fats in the nuts reduce the level of LDL in your blood and lower the risk of heart stroke. Almond is a healthy-heart food which contains vitamin E, fiber and omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid. Read More Health articles on :- www.angelmeds.com

  8. Broccoli Broccoli is a green plant food which is good for the formation of healthy bones due to presence of calcium. It also helps to manage the blood pressure and cholesterol level, and fully packed with the fiber. The calcium in the broccoli minimizes the risk arteries damage.

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