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Enhancing feedback and promoting self reflection in mathematics. Madonna Herron Catherine O’Donnell 30th April 2014. Outline of the presentation. The Problem Solution 1 - Paper-based Solution 2 – e-Facilitated (Pilot) Student perspective Tutor perspective
Enhancing feedback and promoting self reflection in mathematics Madonna Herron Catherine O’Donnell 30th April 2014
Outline of the presentation • The Problem • Solution 1 - Paper-based • Solution 2 – e-Facilitated (Pilot) • Student perspective • Tutor perspective • Students response and perceptions • Final thoughts
The Problem Uncollected work. No explicit mechanismfor capturing student reflections. No support advised. Tutor comments Snapshot of Summary Feedback Report
Solution 1 - Paper-based Uncollected work. Unreviewed. Time-consuming No support advised. Student reflects Snapshot of Feedback and Summary Report
From a student perspective Announcement
From a student perspective Individualised tutor feedback
From a tutor perspective Manual Submission via FAN* Minimal (abbreviated) marking * Electronic Feedback and Notification System (FAN)
From a tutor perspective Enhanced generic feedback Hyperlink to pencast solutions
From a tutor perspective eSubmission – use Blackboard uses Quick Mark (QM)
From a tutor perspective Individual Coursework Feedback and Summary Report Tutor marks are entered here Coursework setup Tutor enters brief comment.
Enhanced Feedback “The marking scheme and model answers are a great way for me to understand where I went wrong and the areas in which I need to work at in order to improve.” “Fairly easy to understand and followed a similar layout to the ones we had for A Levels, so was great in that way.” “Model answer help me a lot when learning, you can follow the correct method, and see where your going wrong.” “I believe going over the test in a class would help a lot” Student Survey (March 2014)
Enhanced Feedback “The pencasts are brilliant, its like your back in the classroom. can fully understand what is going on and the working out is clear” “It is one thing reading a textbook to try and learn something, but actually seeing it carried out, with talking, really makes things easier to pick up and learn.” “...a great resource if unsure on a particular topic. Easy to listen to and follow, and having the recording to pause, rewind and so on makes it so much easier.” Student Survey (March 2014)
Promoting self-reflection “helps me to identify areas I was weak at and need to address in order to improve my knowledge on the subject matter.” “This actually gives me more confidence in myself as in my marking I am harder on the scores so when I see I have been awarded more it is very encouraging.” “made me more aware of particular topics and questions which need to be improved and to consider them better.” “Going forward into the exam I now know which areas will need more attention in my revision” Student Survey (March 2014)
Promoting self-reflection Survey response to the statement: Inviting me to outline an action plan, or outline steps that need to be taken to improve my learning and solutions, for the future were helpful. Survey response to the statement: How long did you spend reviewing feedback. Student Survey (March 2014)
Assessment and feedback principles The feedback reflection process encouraged in this module has achieved Survey March 2014 – 32 responses.
Final thoughts Benefits Challenges Clearer instruction Quicker marking Full student participation • Increased collection of student work. • Most work reviewed. • Reduced admin. • Support advised.