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Action Research

Action Research. By : Verónica Bañales Torres. What is Action Research (AR)?. Action research is a type of research related of the idea of ‘ reflective practice ’.

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Action Research

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  1. ActionResearch By: Verónica Bañales Torres

  2. WhatisActionResearch (AR)? • Actionresearchis a type of researchrelated of the idea of ‘reflectivepractice’. • Involvestheteacher in a self-reflectiveapproach, whichmeansthattheteacherwill observe and analyzehis/herownwork and results. • Isabouttakinganareayoucouldimprove as teacher in theclassroom, in ordertodevelop new ideas.

  3. Teacher’s role in AR isbothaninvestigator and a participant of suchresearch. • One of themainaims of AR istoidentify ‘problematicareas’ – thisdoesnot mean that a teacherisincompetent- which are areas in wherethereis a posibilitytoimprove in ordertoobtaintheresultswantedfromthelearners.

  4. Theimprovementsthathappen in AR are thosebased in data collection, and thechangesmade in theteachingsituation are basedonfactsinstead of assumptionsaboutthewaywethinkthings are.

  5. STEPS IN ACTION RESEARCH • 1. PLANNING • Identify a problem and thinkaboutthepossiblesolutionsyou can apply in ordertosolveorimprovetheclass.

  6. 2. ACTION • Consideryouroptions and deliveratetochoosethemostsuitable and appropriatesolutionorimprovementaccordingtoyour data collection and thedesiredgoalsfromthisresearch.

  7. 3. OBSERVATION • In thisphase, youneedto observe and doccumenttheeffects of theaction plan, watchingthecontext, gatheringopinions of thoseinvolved are keyfeaturesyouneedtotakeintoaccount.

  8. 4. REFLECTION • Afteryouhaveallthe data gathered and theinformationyouneed, itis time toreflectwhetheryouraction plan worked as youwanted and youobtainedthedessiredresults of improvementornot.

  9. Onthefollowing link youwillfindanexample of anactionresearchprojectmadeaboutstudentsperspectiveon a smallgroup of chemistry. • http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed077p111?journalCode=jceda8

  10. References • Burns, Anne, 1945–Doing action research in English language teaching : a guide for practitioners – 1st ed. • Marcy Hamby Towns , Kelley Kreke and Amanda Fields. “An Action Research Project: Student Perspectives on Small-Group Learning in Chemistry“.ChemistryDepartment, Ball State University Muncie, Publication Date (Web): January 1, 2000. Available at : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed077p111?journalCode=jceda8 [Accessed: February 19th, 2014]

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