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11 Year Old BOY SCOUTS. Bret Crane Taylor Fisher. What is 11 year old scouting?. Transition from the Webelos to Scouts Transition from cute to something else…. What do 11 year old scouts think scouts is all about?. That’s Easy!. STUFF! Stuff you can eat Stuff you can burn
11 Year OldBOY SCOUTS Bret Crane Taylor Fisher
What is 11 year old scouting? Transition from the Webelos to Scouts Transition from cute to something else…
What do 11 year old scouts think scouts is all about? That’s Easy! • STUFF! • Stuff you can eat • Stuff you can burn • Stuff you can use • Stuff you can do
What is 11 year old scouts really about? So we still get fire, camping and pointy stuff Okay.. I’m good. What?!? • SAFETY • Fire Safety • Camp Safety • First Aid and Water Safety • ..and STUFF.. Stuff Safety
11 year old scouts = getting the basics Merit badge completion and Eagle Scout Moving from basic scouting skills