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Explore the feasibility and accuracy of small-baseline acoustic sensor arrays for aeroacoustics research. Investigate turbulence effects, source characteristics, and signal transmission models. Understand AOA estimation accuracy and practical algorithms. A study on transmission loss and scattering phenomena.
Algorithms and Performance of Small Baseline Acoustic Sensor Arrays Brian M. Sadler, Army Research LabRichard J. Kozick, Bucknell UniversitySandra L. Collier , Army Research Lab Acknowledgments: D.K. Wilson and T. Pham12 April 2004 SPIE 2004
Motivation • Frequency range for aeroacoustics:Freq. in [30, 250] Hz l in [1.3, 11] m • Large array better AOA accuracy • Small array: • Cheaper, disposable(?) • Easier to deploy, more covert • What performance is achievable? • Effects of turbulence • Saturation, W • Signal coherence, g SPIE 2004
Example of a Small-Aperture Sensor SenTech HE01 acoustic sensor(Pictures from Prado & Succi, SPIE AeroSense 2002) SPIE 2004
Outline • Brief review of source characteristics (ground vehicles, aircraft) • Physics-based statistical model for turbulence (saturation=W, coherence=g) • AOA estimation accuracy: • Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) • Performance of practical algorithms (achieve CRB?) • Questions: • What is the achievable accuracy with small-baseline acoustic arrays? • When is the ideal plane wave model valid (i.e., turbulence is negligible)? • Useful for system design SPIE 2004
Source Characteristics • Ground vehicles (tanks, trucks), aircraft (rotary, jet), commercial vehicles LOUD • Main contributors to source sound: • Rotating machinery: Engines, aircraft blades • Tires and “tread slap” (spectral lines) • Vibrating surfaces • Internal combustion engines: Sum-of-harmonics due to cylinder firing • Turbine engines: Broadband “whine” • Key features: Spectral lines and high SNR SPIE 2004
Hz TIME (sec) +/- 125 m from CPA SPIE 2004
Signal Model at One Sensor • Sinusoidal signal emitted by moving source: • Phenomena that determine the signal at the sensor: • Propagation delay (and Doppler) • Additive noise (thermal, wind, interference) • Transmission loss (TL) • Scattering by turbulence (random) SPIE 2004
Transmission Loss • Energy is diminished from Sref (at 1 m from source) to value S at sensor: • Spherical spreading • Refraction (wind & temp. gradients) • Ground interactions • Molecular absorption • We model S as a deterministic parameter:Average signal energy Numerical solution Low Pass Filter SPIE 2004
Frequency dependent Transmission Loss +/- 125 m from CPA SPIE 2004
No Scattering • Sensor signal with transmission loss,propagation delay, and AWG noise: • Complex envelope at frequency fo • Spectrum at fo shifted to 0 Hz • FFT amplitude at fo SPIE 2004
With Scattering • A fraction of the signal energy is scattered from a pure sinusoid into a zero-mean, narrowband, Gaussian random process • Saturation parameter, W in [0, 1] • Varies w/ source range, frequency, and meteorological conditions (sunny, windy) • Based on physical modeling of sound propagation through random, inhomogeneous medium [add ref] • Easier to see scattering effect with a picture: SPIE 2004
Weak Scattering: W ~ 0 Strong Scattering: W ~ 1 (1- W)S Power Spectral Density (PSD) WS WS AWGN, 2No (1- W)S 0 0 Freq. -B/2 B/2 -B/2 B/2 Bv Bv • Important quantities: • Saturation, W (analogous to Rayleigh/Rician fading in comms.) • Processing bandwidth, B, and observation time, T • SNR = S / (2 No B) • Scattering bandwidth, Bv (correlation time ~ 1/Bv) • Number of independent samples ~ T/Bv often small • Scattering (W > 0) causes signal energy fluctuations SPIE 2004
Probability Distributions • Complex amplitude has complex Gaussian PDF with non-zero mean: • Energy has non-central c-squared PDF with 2 d.o.f. • has Rice PDF SPIE 2004
Saturation vs. Frequency & Range • Saturation depends on [Ostashev & Wilson]: • Weather conditions (sunny/cloudy), but varies little with wind speed • Source frequency w and range do Theoretical form Constants from numerical evaluation of particular conditions SPIE 2004
Turbulence effects are small only for very short range and low frequency Saturation variesover entire range[0, 1] for typicalvalues Fully scattered SPIE 2004
q = AOA • = sensor spacing < l/2 Model forTwo Sensors Turbulence effects Perfect plane wave:W = 0 or 1g = 1 SPIE 2004
q do = range • = sensor spacing Model for Coherence, g • Assume AOA q = 0, freq. in [30, 500] Hz • Recall saturation model: • Coherence model [Ostashev & Wilson 2000]: g 0 with freq., sensorspacing, and range Temperaturefluctuations Velocityfluctuations SPIE 2004
Velocityfluctuations Temperaturefluctuations Depends on wind leveland sunny/cloudy SPIE 2004
Coherence, g, forsensor spacingr = 12 inches g > 0.99 for range < 100 mIs this “good”? Curves moveup w/ less wind,down w/ more wind SPIE 2004
Impact on AOA Estimation • How does the turbulence (W, g) affect AOA estimation accuracy? • Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB), simulated RMSE • Achievable accuracy with small arrays? Larger sensorspacing, r: DESIRABLE BAD! SPIE 2004
Special Cases • No scattering (ideal plane wave model): • High SNR, with scattering: SNR-limitedperformance Coherence-limitedperformance If SNR = 30 dB, then g < 0.9989995 limits performance! SPIE 2004
Phase CRB with Scattering Coherence loss g < 1 is significantwhen saturationW > 0.1 Idealplanewave SPIE 2004
CRB on AOA Estimation SNR = 30 dB for all ranges Sensor spacing r = 12 in. Coherence-limited at larger ranges Increasingrange (fixed SNR) Aperture-limitedat low frequency Ideal plane wave modelis accurate for very shortranges ~ 10 m SPIE 2004
Cloudy and Less Wind SNR = 30 dB for all ranges Sensor spacing r = 12 in. Atmospheric conditionshave a large impact onAOA CRBs Aperture-limitedat low frequency Plane wave model isaccurate to 100 m range SPIE 2004
Small Sensor Spacing: r = 3 in.SNR = 40 dB, Range = 50 m Phase difference estimator: Also evaluated maximum likelihood (ML) estimator. AOA estimators break away from CRB approx.when W > 0.1 Saturation W issignificant for most offrequency range Turbulence prevents performance gain from larger aperture Coherence is high: g > 0.999 Aperture-limited SPIE 2004
AOA Estimation for Harmonic Source Equal-strength harmonicsat 50, 100, 150 Hz SNR = 40 dB at 20 mrange, SNR ~ 1/(range)2 (simple TL) Sensor spacingr = 3 in. and 6 in. Mostly sunny,moderate wind r = 3 in. RMSE r = 6 in. CRB Achievable AOA accuracy ~ 10’s of degreesfor source at 100 m with a small array SPIE 2004
Turbulence Conditions for Three-Harmonic Example Strongscattering Coherence is close to 1, butstill limits performance. SPIE 2004
Summary of AOA with Small Arrays • CRB analysis of AOA estimation • Ideal plane wave model is overly optimistic for longer source ranges • Breakdown point depends on weather cond. • Important to consider turbulence effects • Shows interplay of frequency, range, SNR, array size, and propagation conditions (temp., wind) on performance • Performance of phase-difference AOA algorithm is worse than the CRB in turbulence (saturation W > 0.1) • Small array (3 in. and 6 in.) AOA performance: • AOA accuracy < 5o at 20 m range, ~>10o at 100 m • Similar results for circular arrays with >2 sensors(SNR gain) SPIE 2004