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Postal Plus Printing located at 17117 Westheimer Rd, Houston TX is the go-to resource for packing, shipping, printing and business service needs of the residents and businesses of Houston, TX. So visit today!
3CommonMistakesShippingCompaniesMake Moving cargo entails many mistakes. The ones who are handling these activities are humans after all and they are going to make errors. Shipping companies in Houston, TX perform a large number of operations on a daily basis. Some of them have been able to build a strong market standing over the past few years and continue to rule the industry. But when it comes to choosing the right shipping company for your needs in Houston, TX what are the things you should look into first? What are the mistakes that many shipping companies in the city make that keep them from getting more repeat clients? Following are some of the most common problems that even you must have faced while dealing with shipping experts and it is time to note them down and remember them wellsothatyoucanavoidtheminthefuture. 1. LessthanPerfectPackaging Lack of proper packaging is the one thing that annoys me the most. This kind of freight or transfer results in nothing but a higher probability of damage to your shipment. Shipping companies need to
understand that damage claims are not going to help the client, only consulting with a reputed packagingprofessionalwould. 2.InaccurateorIncorrectWeight Some companies lack the proper equipment to weigh the cargo. This in turn leads to weights estimation. In this case what happens is carriers use their certified scales to re-weigh all the shipments and then if the weight is inaccurate, they charge a fee to the bill, making the shipment costlier. 3.InappropriateFreightClass Lower classes cost much less so numerous businesses would often search for ways to transfer the shipment at the lowest class possible. Now what happens is that carriers most likely are able to catch those incorrect class designations which results in reclassification and of course an additional fee. So it is wise to choose a shipping company in Houston, TX that does make carriers spend their timeandeffortonre-classingthefreightanddelayyourshipment. Formorecontacthere:- PostalPlusPrinting 17117WestheimerRd,Houston,TX77082 281-494-0018 http://www.postalplusprinting.com/