1. Butler County Technical Rescue Hamilton Safety Council Information Session
Prepared by
BCTR Management
2. Team Concept & History Began with EMA grant in 2004
Request for $500,000 dollars
Money Split to Buy Equipment and Vehicle
Serving 4 Types of Calls (soon 5)
Rope Rescue
Confined Space
Trench Collapse
Structural Collapse
3. Team Capabilities
4. Team Concept Design Vehicle housed at West Chester Fire Station 4 (8551Beckett Rd.)
Team responds directly to the scene
Team managed by team managers
Team designed to integrate with first responders
Team designed to assist not manage incident
5. Equipment Cache Over $500,000 worth of rescue related equipment
Tools range from framing hammer to Stanley hydraulic cutting and coring unit
Vehicle is designed to be self-sufficient for at least 2-3 hours
6. Vehicle Hackney Tractor-trailer
Overall length 52 feet
Weight approximately 48,000 lbs
First responders need to designate area for vehicle
All equipment is portable and not tied to vehicle
7. Team Members Currently have a total of nearly 60 members that are active with the team.
Team Members are trained to the technician level of
High angle rescue
Confined space rescue
Trench Rescue
Structural Collapse
A diverse group encompassing many years of experience with many rising stars of the fire service
Always accepting applications which can be found on the EMA website at www.butlercountyohio.org/ema/index.cfm?page=techRescue
8. Training In-service Training is offered numerous times to include a variety of work schedules
Trainings are held throughout the county
Training cooperative agreement is held with HCUSAR and NKTR to train with those teams, you may also see their trucks and personnel in Butler County
Train with County’s disaster assets such as mass casualty and mass decon
9. Team Management Two management groups are currently in place at this time
Rescue Team Managers
Tasked with managing the team. Members function in Operations, Logistics, Training and Administration.
Assisted by Rescue Squad Officers
EMA Committee
Comprised of Team Managers, EMA Director, Commissioners Office, and Prosecutors Office. Tasked with budget, accepting policies, and integrating team with other county assets
10. Integration of Team with First Responders Responder Safety is First Priority
Need a contact person at the incident site
Team Commander will contact the site liaison to gather information for response (triage of incident)
Need a staging area for vehicles (TR-2 and team members)
First responders will be utilized upon the team’s arrival
Team likely to operate at the branch level of ICS structure
11. Future of Team Relies on the support of you
Relies on departments utilizing the service
Relies on committed team members
Intentions are to work closely with departments to aid with their special operations needs
12. Questions?