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Customer Dialog

Customer Dialog . By: Jorja Kumlin. Different types of difficult customers. Argumentative: C ustomers who seem to look for problems. Impatient: Customers who show verbally and nonverbally that they do not want to wait.

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Customer Dialog

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Customer Dialog By: JorjaKumlin

  2. Different types of difficult customers • Argumentative: Customers who seem to look for problems. • Impatient: Customerswho show verbally and nonverbally that they do not want to wait. • Leave-Me-Alone: Customers that do not want any assistance or advice. • Irritable/Moody: Customers who are happy one second and mad the other.

  3. Different types of difficult customers (Continued) • Insulting: Customers who make fun of others to make them feel better about their self • Complaining: Customers who are never fully satisfied. • Domineering/Superior: • Suspicious: They ask questions all the time. • Slow/Methodical: Customers who don’t like to make fast decisions • Dishonest: They don’t tell the truth.

  4. How to handle difficult customers • Argumentative: Ask simple, polite questions • Impatient: Agree first on common points • Leave-Me-Alone: Be Patient, give them space • Irritable/Moody: Be positive • Insulting: Be neutral, especially with your body language

  5. How to handle difficult customers (Continued) • Complaining: Respect their thoughts, listen actively • Domineering/Superior: Let them have their say, compliment them • Suspicious: Explain and demonstrate good service • Slow/Methodical: Be sure not to overwhelm, give them space and simply choices • Dishonest: Don’t jump to quick conclusions or accusations

  6. Wordle

  7. Dialogue My mom use to be the manager of Champs. • Customer: Hi, I was waiting for my food for awhile and finally when I got it, it was cold and didn’t taste as good. • Mom: I’m sorry, do you want me to bring it back and get it heated up? • Customer: But what if it still tastes bad?

  8. Dialogue (continued) • Mom: If it still doesn’t taste right when we heat it up then we can make you something else. • Customer: But I don’t want to pay full price for something I don’t like or had to be taken back. • Mom: We will give you half off for your meal.

  9. Customer: Thank you. • Mom: Again I’m sorry for the inconvenience. The customer my mom had to deal with was an argumentative customer.

  10. Citations • http://www.proactivecommunications.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/reputation-management-wordle-460x250.jpg • http://www.msvu.ca/site/media/msvu/wordle.png • http://amamilwaukee.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/diverse_business_man_and_woman_40435468.jpg • http://ceveritt.com/wp-content/uploads/Tips-For-Achieving-Success-In-Business.jpg • http://blog.rocketlawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Business_haandslag_sh_lille.jpg

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