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Embedding Technology. ICT in the Early Years. Welcome to ITT 1020: Early Years ICT and Pedagogy. Building knowledge and understanding of the role of ICT as a tool for learning across the curriculum and as a subject in its own right.
Embedding Technology ICT in the Early Years
Welcome to ITT 1020: Early Years ICT and Pedagogy • Building knowledge and understanding of the role of ICT as a tool for learning across the curriculum and as a subject in its own right. • Identifying the role of technology in creating flexible, social and personalised learning opportunities for young children in the Early Years curriculum. • Developing personal skills, confidence and knowledge in the use of digital technology to enhance the teaching and learning in all curriculum subjects.
Outline • Overview of the course and assessment tasks. • Use of the Edublogs blogging tool for recording, reflecting and sharing learning. • How to ensure developmentally appropriate uses of technology in EY classrooms. • Ways in which young children can use technology to promote active engagement and interaction with their world. • Exploring technology resources for expanding young children’s access to new content alongside creative play.
make a blog • Start with MyPad on your Nile homepage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHzSKArgNQw • Some examples: http://mypad.northampton.ac.uk/itt3003/wiki/group-1-blogs-2/
Embedding ICT http://www.teachersmedia.co.uk/videos/ict-in-nursery
Ipads for capturing and sharing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5b6y7DJuYk&feature=share
Explore the E2BN Gallery http://ictearlyyears.e2bn.org/gallery.html
http://padlet.com/wall/2z80sptbwj Post on padlet
Explore Resources http://www.pinterest.com/helencaldwel
Directed Task • Use your blog to reflect on the session themes. • Document the development of your own skills and how ICT can be used to enhance teaching and learning. • Include reference to your wider reading and add some visual resources to illustrate your work. Upload your activity ideas to the shared resource bank. Add to the Resource Bank