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Studying adhesion of different tape types . Group Member. Napak Patcharathiwat No.12 Tikamporn Wongnikom No.16 Wichapas Kuskul No.21. M. 4/1. Advisor. Aj.Kuntanakorn Noisena. Introduction. Nowadays, everybody knows “tape” because the
Studying adhesion of different tape types
Group Member NapakPatcharathiwat No.12 TikampornWongnikom No.16 WichapasKuskul No.21 M. 4/1 Advisor Aj.KuntanakornNoisena
Introduction Nowadays, everybody knows “tape” because the tape is one that is very important in the daily life. The tape is used in order to stick objects together. Moreover, it can be applied to several working.
If adhesive force is large value will make the force that we pull is the large value to by the equation
But this experiment give θ equal to 0. So we use this equation.
Inquiry Question When we pulled different kinds of tape, we found it had a different adhesion by some kinds were pulled to easier than others.
Objective Studying adhesion of different tape types when sticking on the surface of object.
Materials transparent tape Post-it tape cloth tape thread thin double-sided tape future board thick double-sided tape spring scale
Conclusion & Discussion Our study showed that the types of tape had an effect on the value of adhesive force. Group of tapes that has the most average of adhesive force is cloth tape with transparent tape, the less than is a group of thin double- sided tape with thick double-sided tape and the least average of adhesive force is Post-it tape.
Future Research This result may can only use with future board. So if you want to develop this project, you should change future board to be other things such as aluminum plate and add type of tape.
Acknowledgement Aj.KuntanakornNoisena Other teachers in SINOS class Physics category
Reference M. Ciccotti, B. Giorgini, D. Vallet, M. Barquins (2004). Complex dynamics in the peeling of an adhesive tapes. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages143-151. Mario F.R. Miranda, Ademir J.G. SilvaVinyl (2005). Vinyl adhesive tape also effective for direct microscopy diagnosis of chromomycosis, lobomycosis, and paracoccidioidomycosis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Volume 52, Issue 1, Pages 39-43. Spencer Silver (2003). The company came out with Post-it Brand Super Sticky notes, with a stronger glue that adheres better to vertical and non-smooth surfaces. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-it_note. Y. Kumooka (2010). Classification of OPP adhesive tapes according to MALDI mass spectra of adhesives. Forensic Science International, Volume 197, Issues 1-3, Pages 75-79.
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