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TIGGE Data Archive at NCAR

TIGGE Data Archive at NCAR. 9th GIFS-TIGGE Working Group World Meteorological Organization Geneva 31 Aug – 2 Sep, 2011 Doug Schuster Steven Worley Dave Stepaniak Tom Cram Others. Provider Summary. Archive Summary Service Improvements Special Projects Metrics

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TIGGE Data Archive at NCAR

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  1. TIGGE Data Archive at NCAR 9th GIFS-TIGGE Working Group World Meteorological Organization Geneva 31 Aug – 2 Sep, 2011 Doug Schuster Steven Worley Dave Stepaniak Tom Cram Others

  2. Provider Summary • Archive Summary • Service Improvements • Special Projects • Metrics • Future Service Additions

  3. Summary of Current Data Providers • KMA and BoM stopped providing data • JMA now providing 00z analysis files

  4. Archive Summary at NCAR • Online Data • Period, most recent 3 months • ~ 50 TB , public products • ~ 10 TB, data preparation, subsetting • ~ 180GB Tropical Cyclone Track Data (CXML) • Offline Data • Full period of record • ~ 600 TB, NCAR HPSS system

  5. 2010/2011 Service Improvements • Increased online data volume • 5 TB -> 50 TB • 2 weeks -> 3 months • Transitioned to new computing hardware • Operates on longer data time-series (3 months) • Faster request turn-around time • Transitioned to new HPSS tape archive • Improved response time to access data • Strengthened data ingest processing • New ldm server • System monitoring (disk capacity, LDM status, etc) • Failover mechanisms for LDM downtime

  6. 2010/2011 Special Projects • Developed and implemented first version of TIGGE model validation data portal • Offers a wide variety of observational and analysis data • NCEP PREPBUFR data • Used to initialize NCEP models • Surface and Upper Air -T,U,V,Q,Z • Others to come • NCEP precipitation analysis • TWG suggestions?

  7. 2010/2011 Special Projects • Developed and implemented first version of TIGGE model validation data portal • Integrated with TIGGE model data subsetting portal • Check box to add model validation data based on model subset request parameters • NetCDF and ASCII output formats • Compatible with Mettools verification software • http://www.dtcenter.org/mrt/users • Stand alone portal for independent requests • Sends notification email with download instructions

  8. TIGGE Model Validation Portal

  9. TIGGE Model Validation Portal

  10. NCAR TIGGE Model Data Archive Usage More data available for subsetting

  11. NCAR TIGGE CXML Archive Usage

  12. NCAR TIGGE Model Validation Data Archive Usage

  13. Planned Service Improvements • Improved Online Storage • High performance centralized disk to facilitate subsetting services • Expanded/Updated Computing • Transition subsetting processing to HPC environment ~late 2012 – 2013. • Faster “turn-around” time on user sub-set requests • Potential for subscription services? • Web services based requests? • Special Projects Support -Hopson Meningitis Proposal? • Pending THORPEX Program Office Approval

  14. Planned Service Improvements • Model Validation Data Portal • Add more data source options • Ocean based observations (ICOADS) • Global tropical cyclone position and intensity data • Atmospheric Reanalysis (JRA, ERA, NNRR, CFSR) • Global PCP datasets • Suggested TWG sets • Data sub-set and output format selection capability. • Add output format options

  15. http://tigge.ucar.edu/

  16. Data Delivery (02/2010) • Data exchanges using UNIDATA LDM, HTTP and FTP • 450 GB/day (ECMWF = 332 GB/day) • 1.7+ million 2-D gridded fields/day

  17. Parameter vs Provider Matrix PL = Pressure Level, PT = 320K θ Level, PV = ± 2 Potential Vorticity Level, SL = Single/Surface Level

  18. Parameter vs Provider Matrix PL = Pressure Level, PT = 320K θ Level, PV = ± 2 Potential Vorticity Level, SL = Single/Surface Level

  19. Archive Inhomogeneities

  20. 2010/2011 Supported Special Projects • NCAR Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) Google African Meningitis Forecast Initiative • Dr. Thomas Hopson • Integrate weather and health data to manage African meningitis outbreaks (in Ghana as starting point). • Looking for 2-week lead time to position vaccines. • Processing ECMWF data from present backwards through the archive for model calibration. • Total Precipitation, 2m Temperature, 2m Dew Point. • Global Subarea 40 deg N to 40 Deg S. • 0.5 x 0.5 degree resolution. • Assist RAL and Unidata in providing “Real-time” access to TIGGE based Multi-Model Ensemble Forecast data. • http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/ghana/ • http://www.google.org/predict.html

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