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Protocol – Test corrections and most missed information. Spring 2014, Perry. First ~20 minutes of class period – go over Most missed Test questions as a class (Mrs. P leads). Will be gone over in class the next class day after a unit test is given
Protocol – Test corrections and most missed information Spring 2014, Perry
First ~20 minutes of class period – go over Most missed Test questions as a class (Mrs. P leads) • Will be gone over in class the next class day after a unit test is given • ALL students should PHYSICALLY write down and record the topic and any info that they need to help them study this topic Include: a. general topic (suggested by teacher) b. gist of question c. Mrs. P’s ideas on why folks missed this d. Mrs. P’s suggestions on how to answer/think of
Last ~30 minutes of class period – do personal test corrections with your test number (silently, individually on own) • Will be done in class the next class day after a unit test is given • ALL students should a. PHYSICALLY copy down the entire question missed b. Find the correct answer using YOUR notes, book, labs, etc. -- list ONLY the entire CORRECT answer c. Indicate where found this information d. Indicate why you missed the question to begin with • If need more time to complete test corrections, must physically sign up on Mrs. Perry’s entry door for time before/after school…
Reassessment quiz • Will be given ~1 week after original unit test • Will consist of questions edited from the most-missed list • EVERYONE takes the quiz – even if made a hundred on the unit test • EVERYONE turns in written info from most-missed and personal test corrections before the reassessment quiz – daily grade will be given for this!! • Quiz will be ~5-12 questions depending on most missed list of topics • Reassessment questions will be slightly different from the unit test to ensure content mastery (not memorization of answers)
IF ABSENT on day of test • You will take the test during class on the day of your return. You will miss whatever is going on that day, and will have to make that up. • Typically, that will be the day after the original test…you will miss the “most missed” discussion, and the ~30 minutes of class time typically given for corrections. • Be aware that you will be responsible for coming to get the “most missed info” on your own, and will take the reassessment quiz on the day that the entire class is taking it…~1 week later…