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Getting Started with Physio 1: Syllabus, Blackboard, and Assignments

This guide will help you navigate through the Physio 1 class site, review the syllabus, update your email address, and complete important assignments.

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Getting Started with Physio 1: Syllabus, Blackboard, and Assignments

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  1. Welcome to

  2. Complete this list of things to get off to a good start: • Log on to Blackboard and enter the Physio 1 class site. • Review all menu links and all pages of the syllabus carefully! • Make sure Blackboard has your correct email address (change through the Zone or Class-Web if necessary. • Take SyllabusQuizonline by We, Aug 24th, 11:59 pm (10 pts.) • Furthermore, by Aug 24th: • Fill out and turn in student info sheet • Introduce yourself in Bb Discussion Board • Log on to Connect 10 start up pts.

  3. Textbook – some special features: • Clinical Investigation • Engaging Art • Interactions • Chapter summary • Review Activities: EOC questions • Glossary and Index • Connect

  4. Ch 1: Introduction to Physiology Lesson SLOs • Describe the scientific study of human physiology • Describe key elements of the scientific method explain an example of a well-designed experiment • Define and describe homeostasis • Explain the role of antagonistic effectors in maintaining homeostasis • Diagram examples of negative and positive feedback loops • Explain the concept of a stem cell and list three different types. • Identify the body fluid compartments

  5. Physiology is . . . . . . the study of the ___________ of all plants and animals in their ____________ state. Comparative physiology / Pathophysiology . . . an integrative science Moving beyond the genome: from genomics to proteomics

  6. The Science of Physiologyis based on the Scientific Method Review • Basic steps of scientific method • Parameters to consider • Experimental design

  7. Basic Steps of Scientific Method: Observation (and/or study of prior knowledge) Hypothesis Experimentation Collection and analysis of data (can you replicate results?) Conclusion: reject or accepthypothesis theory

  8. Parameters to consider: Independent vs.dependentvariables Experimental groupvs.control group: only one independent variable is changed Controlled by experimenter Responds to independent variable: gives results.

  9. Measurements, Controls, and Statistics In addtion to the above, good physiological research requires: • Quantifiable measurements • Statistical analysis • Review and publication by a peer-reviewed journal

  10. Independent variable ( researcher manipulates) ? Dependent variable ( responds to independent variable) ?

  11. Apply scientific method: Company has found new artificial sweetener Prior knowledge: Some food additives are not safe. Hypothesis: ? Experiments: ? Collect and analyze data Conclusion

  12. Animal vs. Human Experimentation • In Physiology most knowledge is derived from _______ experimentation. • Sometimes human experimentation necessary. • Difficulties of Human Experimentation: • Variability → very dissimilar test subjects • Psychological aspects → placebo vs. noceboeffects • Ethical questions → is it o.k. to withhold potential drug from seriously ill?

  13. Developing Pharmaceuticals • Basic research • In vitro research • Animal studies (usually rats and mice) = in _______ Animal trials may take several years. Experimental Design for Human Studies Blind study (subjects do not know if they get treatment or placebo) Double-blind study Double-blind crossover study (each subject participates in experimental AND control group)

  14. Phases of clinical trials • Phase I clinical trials: _________human volunteers to test for side effects, rates of passage, dosage, etc. • Phase II clinical trials: test effectiveness on people with the particular disease. • Phase III clinical trials: large #s of people; very inclusive.From here FDA can approve drug for sale. • Phase IV trials test other applications for the drug.

  15. Many Forms of Human Studies • Longitudinal studies (e.g.: Framingham Heart Study) • Retrospective studies (e.g.: Silent aspiration: results of 2,000 video fluoroscopic evaluations.) • Meta-analysis (e.g.: Meta-analysis of soy intake and breast cancer risk) For example:

  16. Review Levels of Organization

  17. Homeostasis and Feedback Control • Def: __________constancy of internal environment • Regulated through collaboration of body systems • Many body parameters controlled via homeostatic mechanisms (?) • Failure to maintain homeostasis  _____ • Pathophysiology (E.g.: DM)

  18. Negative Feedback Loops Continuous process, constant fine adjustments to stay in normal range

  19. Antagonistic Effectors Homeostasis often maintained by opposing effectors that move conditions in opposite directions. Antagonistic controls are used to stay near set point: Negative feedback Fig 1.3/4

  20. Quantitative Measurements

  21. Homeostasis Review Dynamic Constancy with Oscillation around Set Point

  22. Negative Feedback Example

  23. - feedback + feedback 2 types of feedback loops: Negative and Positive NOT homeostatic !! Homeostatic

  24. Baby drops lower in uterus to initiate labor Positive Feedback Cervical stretch Not homeostatic! Cannot work alone, needs outside force to be shut off Helps many negative feedback loops Other examples? causing stimulates Push baby against cervix Oxytocin release Positive feedback loop causes Uterine contractions Delivery of baby stops the cycle

  25. Nerual and Endocrine Regulation Intrinsic regulation: Cells sense change and signal to neighboring cells  response (local pathway Extrinsic regulation: Brain or ES regulate an organ (long distance pathway) NS“innervates” organs with ___________ ES releases hormones ____________________________

  26. Control systems regulate variables Brain evaluates the change and initiates a response. Brain local pathways long distance (reflex) pathways Systemic change in blood pressure sensed here. In reflex control, cells at a distant site control the response. LOCAL CHANGE In local control, cells in the vicinity of the change initiate the response. Blood vessels REFLEX RESPONSE is initiated by cells at a distant site. LOCAL RESPONSE KEY Stimulus Integrating center Response

  27. Neural Control - detailed Fig 1.6

  28. Feedback Control of Hormone Secretions Fig 1.7

  29. Stem cells • Differentiation starts during embryonic development • Totipotent zygotes • Pluripotent embryonic stem cells • Multipotentadult stem cells E.g.: Bone marrow cells, ....?

  30. Cell Differentiation From 1 ___________ to > 200 different types of cells Mechanism: differential gene activation

  31. Body Fluid Compartments

  32. Clinical Investigation Primary tissues, organs, and systems: Review on your own. the end

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