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Don't overlook the best investment for the ones that fluctuate often. Invest your hard-earned money in<br>your own home. Because unlike other investments, a home never lets you down, especially when<br>times are uncertain. Invest in your home now.<br>ud83dudd39 A 6star CRISIL Rated project and a BBB rated company.<br>ud83dudd39 Ultra-luxurious Residential apartments starting from 1609 sq.ft. Onwards.<br>ud83dudd39 Five level security, six high speed elevators & a dedicated clubhouse that has over 44 Ultra- modern<br>amenities spread across 2,10,00 sq.ft. to truly give you one-of-a-kind lifestyles.<br>ud83dudd39 Pay 30% and rest with easy EMI option.<br>Contact: 86904 33433 Or visit https://bit.ly/2QnvQEU to know more!<br>
Under the enigmatic rule of MaharaJa SayaJ1rao lll. Vadodara transformed itself into an epicentre of learning and trade lt washis v1s1on that laid the foundation of this cultural14 nch and trul4 cosmopolitan c1t4 of modernIndia WithVadodararacingaheadtobecomeasmart city,ShreeBalaJ1Group1sgearingupwithanarchitecturalodeofexcellence 1.e.ShreeBalaJ1AgoraCityCentreShreeBalaJ1AgoraOt4Centre1san 1nv1tat1ontoapprehendalifestylethat1strulyasuniqueand upliftingasanyofthegloballyrenownedc1t1es. So gear up Vadodara! Step up to embrace this new landmark of excellence, step up to a new life only at Shree Ba1aJ1 CityCentre
Abou Grthoeup
No Shortcuts ToQuality Bmgrnglnterrot1onel DesignStandards 1n the courtn/ Delvenngunparalleled qualtyataffordablepriceandcreatingsusta,nable naturefnend4structures M1ss1on Philosophy Pass ion AtWork Our edge in design and qua11\.J ,sour orvy lifelne, and the ertire orgenizet10n 1s oomrn,tted to this cause Through successful backward1rtegreton we can be set/ re'1ert 1n terms of both sk,I, end materials necessary for construction g,v1nguscortrolonqual!ytimeandoost Transform The Way People PerceiveQuatitLJ Our vision 1s not merely a representation of wh9t we warv. to be. ,t 1swh9t we an bel eve ,n f-!elp,ng each other realze our ful poterlia we hope to createenunparaleledlegec4ofexcellence Transparency at el stages of the pr□Jed. erdert business ethics end stnct adherencetoel,Governmertnormsisessert1el etelltimes Whle we excel1n bu11d1ng magnfK::ert structures. wernust never forget that bu Icing relet10nships is the actual goa . Our focus must atwa4s be on the oustomer provldng them with excellent serv,ce end en unbeatabie experience Awards &Accolades 1 ---..-.-..-".,"-•"--"I'IJI ----··""' .......----· .._..,
TM SHREEBALAJI ,, AGORA ,,, CITYCENTRE Step ITll:o a new age construction. a revved up addressthet showcases an architectural rnesterp1ece that has arnelgarneted S d 1/erent oonstructons on14 et BalaJ1 Ct4Ceme Step up 4our expedabons of a home with a reStdentl61 scheme thathasarooftopclubhouse.abovethreestones.commercial spaces an facing an arterial road wnh ample parking for maXJmsed v1s,bi1t4 andeccess. Stepup your requirements of an off ce. Get corporate spaceset parwiththebestnaf'4metrocityandtheU[)queadvantageof havingafivestarrotel1ntheadJacentbuld,rg StepupVadodara andaskformoreandgetevenmorefrom Bala}Ct4Certre ep1up
Andre K1k osk1 Architect IS a Manhattan-based a1ch1tecture and design /1rm grounded byenduring architectural pnncIp1es. dnvenby 1nnova on andactwated by the urtapped capabtl1t1e s of 21st Centun.J technok:lgy andcraftsmanship,Fromaw ard- w1nn1ng work /or IconIc ruh.iral1nst1tu1ot nstoground· up constTuct1on with New York's most aocomphshed entrepreneurs and taste-make1s, Andre K1kosk1 designsbu1ld1ngsandc1eates prwateresidencesthatarepureexpresS1onsofmatenalI1'4andart1StnJ. eachdeeplyattunedtotheh.rrnanelemert1nhererttolastingarchitecture Andre K1kosk1 Architect has completed mere than 100 proJects andhas proudly worked with such 1enowned erl(Ies as The Guggenheim Museum. The Howard Hughes Corporation The Kohler Companies. L1gne Roset, Saks Filth Averue, Swarovsk1 Crystal, The Related Companies at Hudson Yards.andmost1ecently DHACapitalat75KenmareStreei. Andre K1kosk1 Architect Is the reapent o/ 30 design awards and IS featured In more than 700 pubhcat1ons acrnss 27 courtnes mcltdmg Archtectural Digest, Arc hitectural Record, Fast Company, Interior DeS1gn.Su1face.TheNewYorkTimes.TheWallStreetJournalandWallpaper' amongothers. Hewasalsorecertlynamedoneo/the'Top2013,ggestPowerPlayersInNewYorkCityRealEstate: bJTheNewYorkPost.anda'Top10FirmInRes1dert1alDesign.'by lntenorDesrgnmagazme. Andre
Airport [5mn) Railway Station - - -----[5-- 7 -m -1n)- ---- -- Unque Location, where nothing 1sfar AmtNagar Bus Pick-up stand, (5Min) BusStation [5- 7mn) Expressway [5mn)
College MS University[4- 5Min] School Navrachana school, Sama New Era school,N1zampura Navrachana V1dya rnSama Convent of Jesus And Mary Girls' High School, FatehganJ Bright School, Karehbaug Delhi Public School. Ham Cygnus WorldSchool, Ham Market Big Bazaar. FatehgunJ (4 -5 Mtn] D-Mart. Old Chham Road [5 - 7 mn) Ratn Bazaar [2 mn - For food atnight) Sp or tsAcademy Sama Sports Complex,Sama Bal Bhavan.Karel1baug Sw ,mm ng Pool, Karehbaug UnnatiSkatingRing,Karehbaug MSU Pavallon,FatehgunJ Temple EMETemple Jalaram Temple,Sama Swamnarayan Temple,Karehbaug
;s.,,, SHREEBALAJI ,,,. AGORA CITYCENTRE Step upVadodara into yourown Sl1ce 0f Heaven HomelAhavenandlfOUTownsliceofheaver\to reJLIVenate 6nd recupernte withlovedones Yourown peceofworldmthisplanet1smadetrulj heevenlJettheresldert1e1apartments,n BalaAgornCtl/CentreIJ)Vadodarn ExperienceheavenonearthExperencetruecomfortard conver,ence. oococned1neleganceandluxuT\j
•• ••• ••••• •• • • • • ♦ . .? •••• •• • • • • •
BHK ThemomentyoustepintothisSkyVilla,theideaof independent Villas,Penthouses wouldsuddenlyfeel outdated. Crafted for the modernmonarchs,this exclusivecitadeldelrversthepurethrillofadmiring thecityscapefromthehighestpointandhelpsyou apprehend luxuryyoutrulydeserve.
_ Scale up in life anddescend- ;veryoufeelIlk.. Effortlessly. This is theon esldeQlf.31prC>ject of \ladOdarathat dist¢!multilevel andmechanized - 1 that features 3 spaciouss / ---- ersonineverytower. -------
We understand your lttesfyle and wish to delivermoreopportun ies for youto take it to the next level effortlessly.YourlivingroomhasbeendesignedkeepingInmindyourevolvingneeds.Thesmarthomelayout ispunctuatedwithlargeFranchwindowswhichnotonlyoffergreatpanoramicviewsbutalsobringinnatural light andrefresihngbreeze.
Everyabodehasbeendesignedwithagoodbalconyareathathelpsenjoyf!Verymomentandf!VeryEveryabodehasbeendesignedwithagoodbalconyareathathelpsenjoyf!Verymomentandf!Very season of l e. Beginyour day with your preferredbeverage and daily newspaper or just spendyour leisurely hoursreading yourfavouritenovelormagazineorsimplyadmirethechangingvistasof thehorizon. Yourbalconyletsyoudothisandmuchmom. Make the mostof every
Dining Space Afamilythat eatstogether flourishes forever The sign ificance ofgetting togetheroveramealisanidea thatfamiliesadmirethemost. To helpyoucherishgreat moments overyourfavourite meal,wehavecarvedouta specialdiningareathatblends intoyourspaceyethasa distinctidentityofItsown.
We understand thatthere's moretobedrooms than justsleeping Bedroomisaveryvalaspectofyourhome.Itisyourpersonal haven thathelps youtorevttaliZeyourmindandbody.Wehave designedyourbedroomswithgreatcareandpassion.Itnoton offers ample privacy. bUt also lets you reachout to thenatural elementsatyourease.ItalsocomestoyouwithbrandedACand well craftedwardrobe. Luxurious 1ntoday All rooms with AirConditioners Tohelpyousettleintoyourlifestylequick.wehaveinstalledACs In all your rooms and adorned your k!tchen with excellent quality modularfurnitureandexpansivewardrobe.Itisalsoadornedwith thebestinclassROsystem.So ifyouwishtomoveinsoon,you neednot think twice atall.
lM ,Ii, - -
Bathroom with dressing space Also Renowned brandfittings. Gonearetheclayswhenbathroomswerejust another aspect of a home. Themodern day bathroomsarem°'eabOutgranderindulgence.s Your bathrooms are therefore not on decl<ed withthefinestluxurybrandsbutarealsocreated withabuilt-Indressingspacewhichallowsyouto bereadythemomentyoustepout.
Club amen1t1es which you can enJoy ShreeBalajiAgoraCityCentrebringstoyouatruly distinct opportunity to indulge ina truly world-class club lifestyle. Spreadni g grand as the biggest club of Vadodara, thisunique feature lets you apprehend a life that you have always cravedfor. Total Area of Club1s 2.08 Lac Sqft.
SwimmingPoolISPAISaunaISalonIPool&SnookerRoomIChessRoomITableTennis&Fo Birthday Celebrations / Small Celebrations I Kids' Play Area 1 (1 - 8 years ) I Kids' Play area 2 ( 8 Pressure pump system I Water Softner Plant I Fire Safety Measures I Underg round Water St 2 Staircases in Each Tower I Landscap ing by Architects from Singapore & Bali I 2 Children'sP
osballJ CardRoomIYoga&FitnessCentreITravelRoomIBusinessCentreIBadmintonITennisICricketICafeIBanquetforKittyParty/ -16 years)IGymISr.CitizenAreaIJoggingTrackIGuestRoomsIBasketballISkatingRinkandmanymore orage I Over head water storage I Automatic Entry Gate for Parking lay Area I Video Door Phones I 5 Levelsof Security
TypicalWingA,B&C AIRPORT VIE W RESIDENTI AL BUILDING 2 Bhk & 3 BhkApartments 4THTO14THFLOOR STORE ROOM 8 '·0" X 5'·6" 2BHK 963.36 Sq.Ft. 6' WI D E P ASS AGE 3BHK 1752.59 Sq. Ft. ru jl==:===:::;;,-I lW¢ - I G l===;i:;:::=::: :::ll=-L..---,---1.L......... R ·:';'·; D "i,-,...,..........,.....,....D f' lliJTQC".NJ Qll,INNI r.vx,-r10.r==-it 3BHK 1147.88Sq.Ft. ---.......-.....--..--..--..- · EM E VIEW RESDI ENTIALBUILDING
II TANDINGBALC TERRACE 10'-4.5"X 6'-4.5" BEDROOM I0'-0'' X12'-0" L'.:J TM SHREEBALAJI ·· AGORA - ,, CITYCENTRE 2 BHK 963.36 Sq.Ft. BEDROOM 10'-7.S'X 15'-7.5" q LIVINGROOM 11'-0"X16'-0" TOILET ' -3" X6'-9" KITCHEN /DINNING 9'-4.5"X16-'3" FOYER 5'-6"X5'-10.5' TORE -1.5" X5' -" AIRPORT VIEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 2 BHK & 3 BHKApartments TypicalWingA,B&C4THTO14TH FLOOR
rrJ b1-J._,.._.., 0 04 0 BEDROOM 14'-0"X11'-0" 7 TM SHREEBALAJI ·· LIVINGROOM 11'-0"X13'-0" AGORA ,,, CITYCENTRE il TOILET 10'-5" X4'-7.5" 3BHK 1147.88Sq.Ft. 7 rl ...Jj TOILET 8'-6" X4'-6" rl_l KITCHEN IDINNING 9'-0"X17'-10.5" l STORE 4'-8"X4!-0"... BEDROOM 11·-0· X11·-0· B fOOM D 12·--0;x11·-o· -- L EME VIEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 2 BHK & 3 BHKApartments TypicalWingA,B&C4THTO14THFLOOR UTILITY 4xq
['1J .._,_.,,....;;: L77 e .,.._.Ll - .. 04 FOYER D 4'-0" X 4'•• BEDROOM ,..._,_.,.,._ ,t 14'-0" X1 1'-0" LIVINGROOM 11'-0" X13'-0" TM SHREEBALAJI·, AGORA ,, ,.0 T OILET 10'-5" X4'-7.5" CITYCENTRE 3 BHK 1368.15 Sq.Ft. TOILET 6'-6" X4'-6" t KITCHEN / DINNING 9'-0"X17'-10.5" EME VIEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Typical Wing A,B & C 15FLOOR
TOILET 3'-45"X 5'-10.5" SERVANTROOM s·-0• X9'-0'" ••™ 1752.59Sq.Ft. 1758.73Sq.Ft. 6-6X6 KITCHEN 10'-0'X12'-0' FOYER 5'-7.S' X6'-4.5" LJ [ [ SHREEBALAJI AGORA , ,, CITYCENTRE 3BHK 1758.73 S .Ft. BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 12'-0'X20·.3·· WITH SERVANTROOM 15'-5.5"X11'-0" DI1N0N'-0IN" XG1/ 4F"A-7M.SIL- Y TOILET 11- · 10" X4'-6' . BED ROOM 15'-l()"X12'-10.S' TERRACE 12-0X 10'-0 BEDROOM 10'-0' X13'-6" EME VIEW RESIDENTIALBUILDING 2 BHK & 3 BHKApartments TypicalWingA,B&C4THTO14THFLOOR
JBED ROOM a DRESSI TOIL . 6'-0"X12"-6" BALCONY 1IM05"XT-6" TM LJ 10-'0"X12"•7" SHREEBALAJI ·· AGORA - ,, D CITYCENTRE 3BHI<1748.21Sq.Ft. I- BED ROOM 12"-0"X16'-2.5" -----1 ]'-------'------'--------'- FAMILY 16'-4.S-X9'-0" K).f ;-- DINING r -10.s· x 13·. 1.5" LIVING 12'--0" X20'--0" n BED ROOM 12"-0"X16'-2.5" DRESS/TOILET 6'-0"X12'-6" KITCHEN 10'-6" X13'--0" FOYER ·--0· xs·-1 STORE 6'-7.5" X5'-6" 01 SAMA&EXP.HIGHWAY VIEW RESIDEN TIA LBUILDING 3 BHK & 4 BHK Ap ar tm ents Typical Wing D, E&F 6THTO14THFLOOR
SERVANTROOM 9'-0" X 9'-0" TM SHREEBALAJI ·· AGORA,, CITYCENTRE erooo()M 13'-9X"11',0" 4 BHK 2085.08 S .Ft. WITH SERVANTROOM U,...iNGROOM 18 -4 S"X 12'-6• MILY FA 1a-er x,.......s- l!EOl<OOM 17-0'X16·.C-5" RIVER FRONT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 3 BHK & 4 BHKApartments TypicalWingD,E&F 4THTO14THFLOOR
LIVINGROOM 13'-0"X21'-0" BEDROOM 11'-0"X10'-0" SHREEBALAJI••™ D AGORA - ,,, CITYCENTRE 0 BEDROOM lr-6·XI0'-7.5' 4 BHK 2060.41S .Ft. WASH 5 7.5 X 10'AS- BALCONY 5•75"X5-0" D FAMU 10'-1.S'X13"-0'' I BEDROOM 14-4.5"X13·.10,S- BEDROOM •·-4.S-X13'·10.S () TERRACE 10'-0"X6'-0" ., RIVER FRONT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 3 BHK & 4 BHKApartments Typical Wing D, E& F 4TH TO 14THFLOOR