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Tips for Designing the Internet of Things : Proteus Invents

http://proteusinvents.com : Tips for Designing the Internet of Things - Proteus Invents is now offering a full engineering design and consulting services to worldwide customers. <br>Our goal is to help clients in a variety of fields to improve their productivity and flexibility in the industrial instrumentation, measurement, control and networking applications.We provide production test and automation support for products we design and assist with manufacturing sources. We have the right team and expertise to work with customers to enhance productivity and build profits. We offer our clients the highest quality design solutions that work within technical and price constraints and fulfill project objectives. <br>Our engineers include electronic, firmware, software. mechanical, embedded system design and automation design experts, and operating under an ISO 9001 certified design process.

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Tips for Designing the Internet of Things : Proteus Invents

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  1. Things to know when designing for the IOT 5

  2. What is Internet of Things IOT is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.  This also applies to components of machines, for example a jet engine of an airplane or the drill of an oil rig. some top tips and things to keep in mind when designing for the Internet of Things. 

  3. Make security a top priority Imagine having an in-home device that was transmitting tons of data about you and your home. Now imagine you weren’t confident in that device’s security. Not at all reassuring, right? So when it comes to designing for the IoT, new apps and devices need to address these security concerns from the get go, and ideally have top notch authentication, encryption, and other security features built in.

  4. Think big picture for app design IoT apps are a different kettle of fish than the ones we’ve grown used to over the years, and they’re going to provide users with a very different service. IoT apps and devices, by nature, require communication and connectivity between devices and functionality, and therefore should aim to work with a whole ecosystem rather than serve one niche function. The end goal of the IoT is complete connectivity, and IoT apps are going to need to reflect this goal.

  5. Re imagine device aesthetics The IoT is going to introduce us to a broad new range of internet-connected devices. It’s no longer just about tablets, phones, or computers. The IoT will extent connectivity to wearables like watches, bracelets and other jewelry; washing machines and other appliances; and a huge range of other everyday objects. This presents a huge opportunity to think about new ways to do design. IoT devices mean we can get away from this aesthetic, if we want to, by bringing traditional materials into technology design

  6. Go beyond buttons and touch screens On smartphones, tablets, and computers, buttons and touchscreens are the user controls of choice. But IoT applications present an opportunity to reimagine these interfaces, and give users new ways to control their experience. There’s Leap Motion, for example, which uses an infrared camera to detect hand and finger gestures, eliminating the need for interfaces like buttons and touchscreens. 

  7. Tailored data to address unique needs IoTapps are supposed to handle data for device automation and control. Naturally, data needs to be tailored for usage as per user needs. Addressing end user requirements with the tailored purpose oriented information will play a key role. Making specific data available for a particular purpose of interaction with the connected devices is key here.

  8. Contact us Proteus Industries Inc. 340 Pioneer Way Mountain View California USA 94041, Phone: 650-943-4151Email: E_Nowak@proteusind.com

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