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Seismic anisotropy at regional scales

Seismic anisotropy at regional scales. Montpellier, Wien, La Réunion Toulouse. Constraints on anisotropy at regional scales ( needs body waves ). Fontaine et al (2009). P-wave polarization Shear-wave splitting (SKS etc ) Anisotropic receiver functions. .. SplitLab.

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Seismic anisotropy at regional scales

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  1. Seismicanisotropyatregionalscales Montpellier, Wien, La Réunion Toulouse

  2. Constraints on anisotropyatregionalscales(needs body waves) Fontaine et al (2009) • P-wavepolarization • Shear-wavesplitting (SKS etc) • Anisotropicreceiverfunctions .. SplitLab Bianchi et al (2008)

  3. SplitLab: Shear-wave splitting in Matlab Wüstefeld et al, 2008, Splitlab: a shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab, Computers and Geosciences 34, 515-528 http://gm.univ-montp2.fr/splitting/ Interactive graphical environment: Users (during 1 day):

  4. Somesplittingresults in the Mediterraneanregion

  5. Somesplittingresults in the Mediterraneanregion .Wien

  6. Barruol et al (2011)

  7. Barruolet al (1998)

  8. PYROPE: anisotropy • analyse SKS splittingusingSplitLab • analyse P-wavepolarization? • Multilayeranisotropy, depthdependence? • Anisotropicreceiverfunctions? • Anisotropictomography possible? for the array, for the profile?

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