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Basketball Skill Level Assesement. Want to get an approximate idea of your basketball skill level? Designed by ballers for ballers. Complete the following assessment and and then go and work on your game! Assesement Covers:
Basketball Skill Level Assesement Want to get an approximate idea of your basketball skill level? Designed by ballers for ballers. Complete the following assessment and and then go and work on your game! Assesement Covers: Shooting, Passing, Dribble skills, Passing, Defense, Rebound, Previous level of play, Basketball IQ and Athleticism Proudly brought to you by…..
Contents 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Introduction Previous Basketabll Level Basketball IQ Physical attributes Shooting Dribbling skills Passing Review Your score Find out more about Pickup Basketball Sydney Title of the book
Introduction Welcome to Pickup Basketball Sydney’s Basketball Skill Level Assesment. The booklet once completed will give you a total score which relates to an approximate basketball level. Use the basketball level to get an idea of what you need to improve on, get a better understanding of which competition level you should register for or just for fun. How to complete the assesment? • Read each section carefully and circle the number on each category which corresponds to your approximate level of play. • Once completed. Add up your total score and compare that number to the chart on the final page. • Work on your skills and come back to re-asses your level • Share with your mates and teammates.
Previous Level of Play What is the highest level of play you have played basketball at? Playing at higher levels against more highly skilled opponents and being exposed to a higher level of coaching makes playing is a great determinant of overall basketball skill. Overseas Professional Level = 5 Local Professional Level = 4 ABA or State League Level = 3 Junior Rep or highest level local competition = 2 Standard local basketball level = 1 Never Played organised basketball = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Basketball IQ: The level of basketball IQ is a HUGE factor in the overall playing ability and possible skill level of a player. Ever noticed how guys closer to 40 years of age still compete at a high level in say…the NBA (for example Tim Duncan or Paul Peirce). This is almost always a case of reading the play, knowing the play calls and understanding the game at a much higher level than that of an amatuer. How many different offensive play call can do you know? 7+ = 5 4-6 = 4 2-3 = 3 1 = 2 0 = 1 How man different types of defensive structures do you know how to execute? 5+ = 5 4 = 4 3 = 3 2 = 2 1 = 1 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Athleticism Overall athleticism can be one of the most limiting factors in the overall talent level a player can achieve. As the saying goes “you can’t teach height”. There is certainly things you can do to maximise your potential in this category. Height is the only factor that unfortunately cannot be altered through hard work and persistence. Running Verticle Leap: 40 Inches or more = 5 35-40 Inches = 4 32-34 = 3 29-31 = 2 25-29 = 1 Under 25 = 0 Full court sprint: Full sprint up the court and back to touching every line. 13 Seconds or less = 5 13-14 seconds = 4 14-15 seonds = 3 15-16 sconds = 2 16-18 seconds = 1 18 or above = 0 Lateral Quickness: Sidestep (without foot cross-over) from one side of the court to the other. Then come back using the opposite side. 10 Seconds or less = 5 13 – 14 seconds = 2 10 - 12 seconds = 4 14 – 15 seconds = 1 12 – 13 seconds = 3 15 + seconds = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Physical Attributes Take one look at the guys playing in the NBA. Every single one of them is an extremely gifted athlete. This isn’t to say that this alone will equate to basketball skill but it can have a major impact a wide variety of aspects during a basketball game. Height: 6 foot 9 inches + = 5 6 foot 5 – 6 foot 9 = 4 6 foot 2 – 6 foot 5 = 3 5 foot 11 to 6 foot 2 = 2 5 foot 8 to 5 foot 11 = 1 5 foot 8 and under = 0 Body Fat %: 6-13%= 5 13-16% = 4 16-19% = 3 19-22% = 2 22-25% = 1 25% and above = 0 Arm length compared to height: How much longer is your wingspan than your height. 5cm longer = 5 0–2cm longer = 2 3-4cm longer = 4 -2-0cm shorter = 1 2-3cm longer = 3 -2 or shorter = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Dribbling Skills If the ball is basically an extension of your arm you can generally get to anywhere you want to go on a basketball court. Couple this with the ability to lose a defender and not get the ball stolen from you and dribble skills are a key ingridient in overall basketball skill. Fast dribble both hands: Perform 25 dribbles with your left hand then 25 with your right. How fast can you do the drill? 15 seconds or under = 5 20-23 seconds = 2 15-18 seconds = 4 23-25 seconds = 1 18 – 20 seconds = 3 Over 25 seconds = 0 Full court between the legs: Dribble the ball the entire way down the court with every dribble going between your legs. Your time only counts if you make less than 2 mistakes. 25 Seconds or less = 5 32-36 seconds = 2 25-28 seconds = 4 36-40 seconds = 1 28-32 seconds = 3 40 + seconds = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Shooting Skills Shooting is an essential part of the game. Master it and you will be able to score anywhere within your shooting range when a defender is not within reach of you. Just watch Steph curry shooting highlights and you’ll get the picture! Shooting range and accuracy are the two main factors here. Free Throws: How many do you make out of 30? 26 or more = 5 23-26 = 4 20-23 = 3 18-20 = 2 15-20 = 1 Under 15 = 0 3 point shooting: Go around the arc shooting 3* 3’s from evenly spaced spots which include both the corners. 12 or more = 5 10-12 = 4 8-10 = 3 5 – 8 = 2 3-5 = 1 Under 3 = 0 2 dribble pull ups: 2* Free throw line corners, 3* F/T line, 2* side of key and 1* 3pt line straight on (10 total) 8 or more = 5 3 = 2 6-8 = 4 2 = 1 4-6 = 3 10-1 = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
Passing • Basketball is a team game and all players must be able to execute: • Two handed chest passes • Over-head two handed passes • Right Hand passes AND • Left Hand passes Passing Target: Make a Circle on a wall with a radius 2 feet wide. Move 5m away and make all of the above types of passes 5 times each. How many times did your pass hit the wall inside the circle. A total of 20 passes. 18 or more = 5 16-18 = 4 14-16 = 3 12-14 = 2 9-12 = 1 Less than 9 = 0 TOTAL SCORE SO FAR
TOTALS • What did you score in each section: • Previous Level of Play • Basketball IQ • Athleticism • Physical Attributes • Dribbling • Shooting • Passing • OVERALL SCORE OUT OF 75 TURN OVER TO GET YOUR APPROXIMATE BASKETBALL SKILL LEVEL…..
WHAT LEVEL ARE YOU 70 + = You’re video game good 65 – 70 = Go turn pro 60 – 65 = Semi-pro 50-60 = Street court pro 40-50 = Local comp hustler 30-40 = Scrub 30 or less = Stay in School Kid!
Thanks for completing the assesment! I know it must of taken some time but to get a decent reading on your level. All aspects must be put to the test. If you have any suggestions or want an easy avenue to improving your skills. Learn more and sign up at : www.pickupbasketballsydney.com.au Title of the book