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Publish Vault Review demo - $22,700 bonus. Download premium bonuses of Publish Vault Blueprint PLR and Publish Vault Blueprint PLR review in detail http://goo.gl/EWxEsn<br>PUBLISH VAULT - WHAT IS PUBLISH VAULT?<br>Once considered as just a blogging system, Wordpress has rapidly come to be a fully-fledged CMS (Content Management System) for professional website designers and agencies, utilized on millions of sites all over the world.<br>Just look at Wordpress market position in 2015:<br>You have wordpress sites on your own or you have to handle them. So,...<br>Do you spend more than twenty hours a week to jump from Wordpress site to Wordpress site managing your content?<br>When your websites work effectively, you have tons of things to carry out. Writing content is one of the most important issues to overcome. You have to write the articles or hire a writer.<br>I totally agree with the point that content fuels websites. But we also have to consider if we need to be spending all day simply managing our content across all of our websites… we are missing out the things that actually generate REVENUE in our business!<br> Publish Vault particular review and bonus, Where to buy Publish Vault, Publish Vault review comparison<br>http://goo.gl/EWxEsn
PUBLISHVAULT-Improvethespeed ofyourContentWorkflowby10x PUBLISHVAULT-OVERVIEW • Homepage:Publish Vault OfficialSite • ProductName:PublishVault Software • TypeofProduct:Coud-BasedApps • Authors:MarkThompson&MattCallen&KeithGosnell • Targetniche:ContentMarketing,ContentSyncdication,ContentMarketingOptimization forUnlimitedWordpressSite. • OfficialPrice:$27-$97 • SpecialDiscount:20%-OFF(LimtedOnly) • Bonuses:Yes!Youwillget2extremelygiantbonuspacks.Clicktosee$12700Bonusespackand$9700Bonusespack! • It'sveryhuge-Youwillget2wonderfulbonusbundlethatcouldhelpyouearn+$135,000 • in18months.
PublishVaultJustWentLIVE • No matter what typeof blogsiteyou publish to, this is aMUST-HAVE app(plus theyare offeringunlimited Wordpress publishing). • Imagine… • Beingable to publish content to ALLofyour Wordpress sites– under ONEROOF!Imagine… • Not havingto login andout of multiplesites just to makeasimple changetoyour blogpost.Imagine… • An all-in-oneplatform to publish content, meta information AND schedulecontent dripcampaigns AND haveaccess to professionalcontentwriters atyourfingertip: • This is what PublishVault can do. • PublishVault provides simple,yetadvanced features: • Contributor &Editor Calendar to ManageContentPostingSchedule • Monitor Contributor Progress • EasyUser Management for Author Collaboration • Integration with iWriter for Finding1000+High-QualityAuthors to WriteContent • IdeaHubAllowsyou toResearch onAuto-pilot • Integration with theLatest SEOPlugins forOptimized Content
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