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Women In Romania

Women In Romania. Oprea Aniela Ionita Robert. Numbers and Facts. Education system : 90 % Healthcare system: 72 % Science department: 60 % Engineering: 30 %. Laws regarding women’s rights. 202/2002 - equality between sexes 283 & 53/2003 - differences at working place

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Women In Romania

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Women In Romania Oprea Aniela Ionita Robert

  2. Numbers and Facts Education system : 90 % Healthcare system: 72 % Science department: 60 % Engineering: 30 %

  3. Laws regarding women’s rights • 202/2002 - equality between sexes • 283 & 53/2003 - differences at working place • 96/2003 –motherhood and domestic violence • 148/2005 –harmony in families • In 2004 the National Agency for Equal Chances was formed.

  4. Foundations which support women • „Şcoala mamelor” or Mothers’ School • OFSD (Social Democratic women's organization)

  5. Mothers’ School • Foundedin 2007 by AndreeaMarin • What this organization does? • Fights for women rights • Encourages them in their careers • Supports them in health problems

  6. More pictures...

  7. Who finances the program?

  8. The official site

  9. OFSD and politics • 14 women runs for the European Elections on 25 May • 5 of the Ministers in Romania are women

  10. Thank you for listening !

  11. Sources of inspirations www.scoalamamelor.ro/1/Despre-noi www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-16768895-eurostat-femeile-merg-mai-mult-facultate-dar-barbatii-angajeaza-mai-usor-romania.htm www.ofsd.ro www.stiritv.ro http://www.femeileinpolitica.ro/

  12. This project has been funded with support from the Life Long Learning Programme of the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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