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QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. PHENOMENOLOGY AS A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN. QUANTITATIVE & QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS. Quantitative Descriptive design and descriptive statistics Correlational & Causal Comparative Studies Experimental Designs Inferential Statistics
QUANTITATIVE & QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS Quantitative • Descriptive design anddescriptive statistics • Correlational & CausalComparative Studies • Experimental Designs • Inferential Statistics • Validity and Reliability Qualitative • Phenomenology • Grounded Theory • Ethnography • Case Studies
QUANTITATIVE VS QUALITATIVE Quantitative • classify features, countthem, and construct statistical models in an attempt toexplain what is observed. • knows in advance what s/he is looking for. • Questionnaires or equipment to collect numerical data. • Data is in the form of numbers and statistics • Objective- seeks precise measurement of target concepts. Qualitative • The aim is a complete, detaileddescription. • knows roughly in advance what s/he is looking for. • The researcher is the data gathering instrument. • Data is in the form of words, pictures, objects • Subjective- individuals’ interpetation of events is important
THE DEFINITION OF PHENOMENOLOGY • Phenomenological study describes the meaning of the participants lived experiences. • The goal of qualitative phenomenological research is to describe a "lived experience" of a phenomenon.
An introduction to phenomenological research What is the purpose of a phenomenological research design? • Gathering ‘deep’ information from the participant. • Representing observations from the prespective of the research participant(s). 3. To start from a perspective free from hypothesis or preconceptions. 4. Putting yourselves into the shoes of your participant(s) to have a better understanding.
Research purpose: To describe one or more individuals’ experiences of a phenomenon (Eg:The experience of the death of a loved one. • Disciplinary: philosophy • Primary data collection method: In depth interviews with up-to 10-15 people. • Data analysis approach: list significant statements, determine meaning of statements, and identify the essence of the phenomenon. • Narrative report focus: Rich description of the common characteristics or essences of the experience.
1: Identification of a shared experience 5 Elements of Phenomenology Research 2: Phenomenological research attempts to locate the universal nature of an experience 3: Attempt to identify shares experience among various individuals experiencing the same phenomena
5 Elements of Phenomenology Research 4: Attempt to locate the essence of the experience 5: The account of their experience includes a. What was experienced b. “How the experienced it”
Types of Phenomenology 1: Hermeneutic Phenomenology 2: Transcendental or Psychological Phenomenology a)Transcendental: “everything is perceived freshly,as if for the first time” b) The focus shifts from researcher interpretation toparticipant description
Advanatage of qualitative research • Provides depth and details • Creates openness • Simulates people’s individuals experiences • Attempts to avoid pre-judgments
Disadvantage of qualitative research • Usually fewer people is studied. • Less easy to generalize • Difficult to make systematic comparison • Dependent on skills of the researcher
Disadvantage of phenomenology • solid grounding • Chosen individuals • Braketing • Personal experience
Analysis of phenomenological study • Descriptıon • Horizonalization • Textural descriptıon • Structural description • Essence • The process
summary • Themes and topics. • The aim. • Interpretation and conjecture.
References • Creswell, J. W.(1998). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. London: Sage • Lester, S. (1999) An introduction to phenomenological research. Taunton UK: Stan Lester Developments: Retrieved from www.sld.demon.co.uk/resmethy.pdf accessed (19/11/2011) • Neill, J. (2007) Qualitative versus Quantitative research: key points in a class debate Retrieved from http://wilderdom.com/research/Qualitative VersusQuantitativeResearch.html accessed (19/11/2011)
Near East University (ELT Dep.) Presented by: (Mustafa, Arsan and Renas)