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a deveni expert in Google Adwords

a deveni expert in Google Adwords. 5 Pasi pentru. Sa ne cunoastem …. 1. Despre mine si despre voi …. Ce este Google Adwords ?. Programul de publicitate oferit de Google Reclama poate fi plasata in:

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a deveni expert in Google Adwords

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  1. adeveni expert in Google Adwords 5Pasipentru

  2. Sa ne cunoastem … 1 Despre mine sidesprevoi… vlad.andries@gmail.com

  3. Ceeste Google Adwords? • Programul de publicitateoferit de Google • Reclamapoatefiplasata in: • reteauade cautare: site-urile Google simotoarele de cautarepartenere powered by Google (Ask, AOL etc.) (search network) • reteaua de site-uripartenerecefolosesc ca forma de monetizareprogramul Google Adsense (content network) • Livrareareclamelorse face pebazaunorcuvintecheieselectate de utilizator vlad.andries@gmail.com

  4. Search and Content Networks vlad.andries@gmail.com

  5. De ce Google Adwords • Tot maimultepersoanefolosescmotoarele de cautarepentru a-sigasisolutii la problemelepe care le au zi de zi • In Romania, cota de piata Google este de peste 90% • O campanieoptimizata Google Adwordspoatefiextrem de eficientasiprofitabila • Rezultatelesuntimediate, masurabile, scalabilesiusor de optimizat vlad.andries@gmail.com

  6. 5Pasi pentru a deveni expert inGoogle Adwords vlad.andries@gmail.com

  7. 1. Intelegereamodelului de advertising • Este un sistem de publicite PPC (pay per click) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_per_click • Livrareaanunturilor se face pebazaunorcuvintecheiealese de utilizator - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_marketing • Identificareatipologiei de utilizatori in functie de cuvintelecheie vlad.andries@gmail.com

  8. 2. IntelegereaplatformeiAdwords • Cea mai buna resursa – Adwords Help Centerhttp://support.google.com/adwords/?hl=enhttp://support.google.com/adwords/?hl=ro vlad.andries@gmail.com

  9. 3. Keyword Research • Tipuri de cuvintecheie • Surse de cuvintecheie • Cuvintecheie negative • Resurse:https://adwords.google.com/o/KeywordToolhttp://www.wordtracker.com/Keyword Intelligence: Keyword Research for Search, Social, and Beyond (Amazon) vlad.andries@gmail.com

  10. 4. Ad Copywriting • Importanta ratei de click (CTR) • Trucuri pentru a imbunatati rata de click • Importanta ratei de conversie in ecutatia finala • Resurse: Cashvertising (Drew Eric Whitman), Copyblogger vlad.andries@gmail.com

  11. 5. Tracking si Analytics • Intelegereaplatformei Google Analytics • Familiarizarea cu principiul de Conversion Tracking • “Data mining” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining • Resurse: - http://support.google.com/analytics/?hl=en vlad.andries@gmail.com

  12. vlad.andries@gmail.com facebook.com/vlad.andries vlad_andries Thank You !

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