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An Inventory of Current Monitoring Programs Measuring PBTs

An Inventory of Current Monitoring Programs Measuring PBTs. Tim Watkins EPA / ORD. Overview. The first step in the PBT Monitoring Strategy development effort Get a sense of what monitoring is being conducted Summarize current monitoring activities

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An Inventory of Current Monitoring Programs Measuring PBTs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Inventory of Current Monitoring Programs Measuring PBTs Tim Watkins EPA / ORD PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  2. Overview • The first step in the PBT Monitoring Strategy development effort • Get a sense of what monitoring is being conducted • Summarize current monitoring activities • Identify potential collaborative opportunities • Organized by media • Emissions Releases • Air / Air Deposition • Water / Ecosytem • Food • Human Exposure • Databases PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  3. What PBTs are Included? • Level 1 and 2 substances from the Great Lakes Bi-national Treaty PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  4. Overall Summary PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  5. Media Monitoring Program Summary: Inventories and Air Monitoring PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  6. Media Monitoring Program Summary:Ecological and Food PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  7. Media Monitoring Program Summary:Humans and Databases PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  8. Individual Monitoring Program Summary Table: An Example - NDAMN PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

  9. Summary Table - NDAMN PBT Monitoring Strategy Workshop

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