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Rabbi Dovid Weinberger has shown his clear understanding of the religion through his writings and books that include The Bible Commentary of Rav Nison Alpert, A Hospital Guide for the Jewish Patient, Emergency Lifesaving in Jewish Law; A Guide for The Hatzala Volunteer Ambulance Service, and Raising Jewish Children. Find out more about him at his official site http://rabbidavidweinberger.com
Rabbi David Weinberger P a s t o r a l C o u n s e l o r, C h a p l a i n | M e m b e r o f A s s o c i a t i o n o f P r o fe s s i o n a l C h a p l a i n s | C o n g r e g a t i o n a l R a b b i
Rabbi David Weinberger is largely acclaimed for writing A Guide to Moral Growth, A Hospital Guide for the Jewish Patient, and Raising Jewish Children, Emergency Lifesaving in Jewish Law, the Women’s Prayerbook, The Mourner’s Prayer Book.
Rabbi Dovid Weinberger has unmatched characteristics that have turned him into a leading scholar. He is linked to the Rabbinical Seminary of America, Queens, New York.
Rabbi David Weinberger has unmatched oratory skills and he has cultivated religious values in masses by utilizing his special knowledge. He is a great speaker and writer and is acclaimed for his illustrious research skills owing to which he has written a number of renowned books.
Rabbi Dovid Weinberger has been renowned for his understanding of the religion and the clarity in his writings. His work in the form of English language books on many Jewish topics; Travel in Jewish Law, the Celebration Handbook, Step by Step; A Guide for The Hatzala Volunteer Ambulance Service, The Bible Commentary of Rav Nison Alpert.
THANK YOU Find out more about him at his official site http://rabbidavidweinberger.com