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University System of Georgia. 2012 PROBE Counselor Workshops Sarah Wenham Director of Student Access. USG Updates. Presidential Appointments Dr. Dorman, Georgia College and State University Dr. Burns, Gordon College Dr. D ozier, Savannah State University
University System of Georgia 2012 PROBE Counselor Workshops Sarah Wenham Director of Student Access
USG Updates Presidential Appointments • Dr. Dorman, Georgia College and State University • Dr. Burns, Gordon College • Dr. Dozier, Savannah State University • Dr. McKinney, Valdosta State University Chancellor Huckaby
Institutional Changes 2-year institutions were granted state college status: • Atlanta Metropolitan State College - Atlanta • Darton State College - Albany • East Georgia State College - Swainsboro • Georgia Highlands College - Rome • Georgia Perimeter College - Atlanta • South Georgia College - Douglas These institutions: • will offer targeted baccalaureate programs to meet state’s economic development needs • were approved to retain their access missions
Institution Consolidations Principles for Consolidation (adopted November 2011): 1. Increase opportunities to raise education attainment levels. 2. Improve accessibility, regional identity, and compatibility. 3. Avoid duplication of academic programs while optimizing access to instruction. 4. Create significant potential for economies of scale and scope. 5. Enhance regional economic development. 6. Streamline administrative services while maintaining or improving service level and quality.
Institution Consolidations Approved January 2012: Final Approval Planned for January 2013: What does this mean for students? Tuition & Fees Application process Admission Requirements
Source: “Complete College Georgia - Georgia’s Higher Education Completion Plan” http://www.usg.edu/educational_access/documents/GaHigherEducationCompletionPlan2012.pdf
Complete College Georgia Georgia’s Higher Education Plan is a joint effort between USG and TCSG and calls for the two Systems to: • Create new forms of collaboration and accountability among organizations responsible for or reliant on higher education. • Continue to work with GADOE to increase the number of college-ready students graduating from high school. • Reevaluate and envision anew the performance of completion-related aspects of higher education.
Grant implementation lead by the University System of Georgia on behalf of the Governor’s Office. • Grant Partners Include: • Communities in Schools of Georgia • Georgia Department of Education • Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education • Georgia Student Finance Commission • Technical College System of Georgia • Provides resources for students and families.
CACG Goals To increase the number of underrepresented students who graduate from Georgia high schools ready, supported and motivated to go into postsecondary education. To increase the number of underrepresented students enrolled and persisting in postsecondary education. To increase the college degree attainment of low-income adults with some college credits but no degree.
CACG Strategies • GATRACS • Military Outreach • Public Awareness Resources • Motivational Modules • Community Engagement Events • DOE Individual Graduation Plan Apply to College Counselor Training and Tools GACollege411 FAFSA Events College Textbook Grants Near Peer Program Adult Learners Consortium
CACG BIG WINS!!! • GAcollege411accounts have almost doubled! • FAFSAs filed have almost doubled — for a 182% increase! • College applications through GAcollege411 online have risen 65%! • Public higher education enrollment has reached new records! • 311,442 USG students • 197,059 TCSG students
GATRACS • To access students: • Log onto their GAcollege411 account. • Go to the College Planning tab • Click on Transfer Student Planner
College Access: Creating a College-Going Culture Modules • College and Career Advisement Strategies for School Counselors. • High-quality, online professional learning for certified middle grade and high school counselors as well as postsecondary enrollment professionals. • Modules cost $100 (refunded once course is successfully completed) • For more information, please visithttp://ceps.georgiasouthern.edu/conted/collegeaccess.html
Motivational Modules • The Motivational Modules, are a comprehensive resource containing critical messages that schools and communities can instill in the minds of the students and parents regarding the accessibility and importance of college and careers. • The underlying message of the modules is that college is desirable and obtainable to any student to obtain a better quality of life…but you have to go after it yourself. • For more information and training on how to use the modules http://www.gsfc.org/main/publishing/volunteer_resource/index.cfm.
College Book Grants Book Grants to dual enrollment students in Early College, Move on When Ready, and GED Dual Enrollment programs are available to fund college textbook costs not covered through Georgia’s dual enrollment funding. Schools with low income students currently enrolled in these programs can contact the appropriate program directors: Early College – Dawn Cooper (dawn.cooper@usg.edu), Hope Grant/MOWR – Sheila Caldwell (scaldwell@tcsg.edu) GED Dual Enrollment – Carla DeBose (CDeBose@tcsg.edu)for more information.
“I Applied” Buttons A button is provided to every senior who participates in an Apply to College event.
“Ask Me About My College” Buttons Provided to high school faculty and staff to encourage discussions about college. Buttons complement College Spirit Day activity found in the Site Coordinator Handbook
“Apply to College” Banners Each participating school receives a 6’ or 10’ banner.
Posters Multiple copies provided to all schools to help advertise the GAC event, and generate school excitement.
Admission Standards • Board of Regents sets admission standards: • Required high school curriculum • Test scores and placement testing • Freshman index • GPA • Lawful presence • USG colleges and may set higher admission standards than the System minimum requirements.
Required High School Curriculum • 4 mathematics • 4 English • 4 science (effective 2012 grads) • 3 social science • 2 units of the same foreign language or 2 units of American Sign Language BOR Policy and ASAH 3.2.3
Accessed from the Math FAQs in the Staying on Course document
Research, Regional and State Universities Students must have minimum SAT or ACT scores for admission to research, regional and state universities: ACT 17 English And 17 Math SAT 430 CR And 400 Math
State and Two-Year Colleges Require minimum test scores and Freshman Index Require placement testing OR
Placement Testing and Admissions Collegiate Level COMPASS Reading: 74+ COMPASS English: 60+ COMPASS Math: 37+ Placing in Learning Support COMPASS Reading: 62-73 COMPASS English: 32-59 COMPASS Math: 20-36 • Students who test into all 3 areas of LS are not eligible for admission. • Students who test below the minimum for placement into LS in any area are not eligible for admission.
Exempting Placement Screening • Students who submit SAT/ACT test scores sufficient to exempt learning support are exempt from placement testing. • SAT – 430 Critical Reading/400 Math • ACT – 17 English/17 Math • HSGT-ELA results can be used to exempt learning support placement testing (minimum score of 235) – be sure you send a student’s test results on the transcript to avoid unnecessary LS testing and placement!
College Credit Now! Requirements Note: these are minimum requirements as outlined in BOR policy. Institutions may have additional requirements and some College Credit Now programs, such as MOWR, may have higher requirements.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! The Office of Student Affairs Student-affairs@usg.edu 404-963-3110 www.usg.edu/student_affairs Georgia Apply to College gacw@usg.edu 404-962-3110 www.usg.edu/apply-to-college