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Incubate. T o sit upon for the purose of hatching. Incumbent. H olding an indicated position. recumbent. L ying down; reclinging; leaning; . Culprit. one guilty of a crime. Culpable. deserving blame; blameworthy. Inculpate. Suggest that someone is guilty. Mea culpa.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Incubate

  2. To sit upon for the purose of hatching

  3. Incumbent

  4. Holding an indicated position

  5. recumbent

  6. Lying down; reclinging; leaning;

  7. Culprit

  8. one guilty of a crime

  9. Culpable

  10. deserving blame; blameworthy

  11. Inculpate

  12. Suggest that someone is guilty

  13. Mea culpa

  14. Through my fault; my fault

  15. doctrine

  16. A particular principle advocated, as of a government or religion

  17. indoctrinate

  18. To imbue a person with learning;

  19. docile

  20. obedient; easily managed; submissive

  21. Descend

  22. To move from higher to lower place

  23. defile

  24. pollute; make filthy or dirty; corrupt morally; profane; desecrate; N:narrow passage or gorge through mountains

  25. Epidemic

  26. A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease; many people are infected at the same time

  27. Endemic

  28. prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area orcountry; peculiar to a particular region or people; CF. pandemic

  29. Pandemic

  30. widespread; affecting the majority of people; N: pandemic disease;CF. all people

  31. demographic /Demography

  32. related to population balance; N. demography: statistical study ofhuman population

  33. diagnose

  34. Determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

  35. dilate

  36. To make wider or larger; to cause to expand;

  37. dilatory

  38. Inclined to delay or procastinate

  39. dichotomy

  40. division into two opposite parts; split; branching into two parts(especially contradictory ones)

  41. Verdict

  42. An opinion formed by judging something; decree;

  43. Interdict

  44. prohibit; forbid; N.

  45. dignity

  46. Nobility or elevation of character; worthiness;

  47. dignitary

  48. A person who holds a high rank or office;

  49. deign

  50. To think fit or in accordance with one's dignity

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