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Career ReadY ?!?! SeT GO

Career ReadY ?!?! SeT GO. Pick Your Career. From the Reality Check you must pick one of the three choices.

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Career ReadY ?!?! SeT GO

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  1. Career ReadY?!?!SeTGO

  2. Pick Your Career From the Reality Check you must pick one of the three choices. If you picked the third choice you need to rethink the original Reality Check because you must have been missing education years needed or the job didn’t make enough money to support your life style… figure it out! What will it be??? Pick one of the three from YOUR Reality Check paper!
  3. Project Overview Step 1 – research your career, so you can write a grant to get your company money to expand (which will make you rich!) Step 2 – make a business card for your growing company (get your name out there) Step 3 – make a website so MILLIONS of people will be able to find you on-line (which will make you even richer!) Extra Credit – create a brochure for your business (so people know who you are and/or what you sell)
  4. You will need to write a paper stating why your business deserves a grant. Step 1 Grant - Bibliography (15 points) SEPARATE PAGE! You must COPY the website and paste it onto a Word document. You must use the SEARCH ENGINE, META-SEARCH ENGINE, or SUBJECT DIRECTORY link that you used to find the final hyperlink. You must have at least 5 sources (you get 2 pts. for search engines, 2 ½ pts. for each meta-search engine, and 3 pts. for subject directories) Example– go to the bibliography link in the Internet Research folder on my on-line classroom Grant (10 points) Give details about your career. (Heart Surgeon, Dentist, Garbage man, Computer technician, etc.) What is your ‘big idea’… or why do you want to expand… or why do you want to start this company. How much money do you need and what for? (Dog House $55.95) Total at the end. DETAILS! DETAILS! DETAILS! The more information you give the more likely you will get the grant! (minimum of 1 full page up to 10 pages in length)
  5. Step 2 - Website 20 points You need to find a FREE website creator. You could use http://groups.diigo.com/group/mrs-cireddus-computer-classes?type=bookmark&view=recentDiigo to help collaborate with others in the 7th grade on where to find useful sites to help with this project. You need to have 20 points of information and pictures (no more than 6 points for pictures)… everything you create on the website is worth a point. What does this mean… If you add a picture that is a point. If you add a sentence it is worth a point If you add a link it is worth a point If you are even more creative and come up with more ideas each item is worth a point.
  6. Step 3 – Business Card 5 points You must include… Your companies name (real or made up) Your website (REAL!!) Your email (made up is fine) Your phone number (made up) Your name (real)
  7. Extra Credit – Raise Your Grade Are you just a few points away from that higher grade? Show you know your stuff… Create a brochure on Word or Publisher Must include everything from the brochure and website and several additional interesting pictures and facts about your career. Points are determined on a per project effort basis.
  8. Final Grading Rubric 50 POINTS TOTAL Step 1 – Grant/Bibliography = 25 pts. Step 2 – Business Card = 5 pts. Step 3 - Website = 20 pts. Extra Credit - UNLIMITED
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