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Wordlist 22 Understanding Philly’s Basement

Wordlist 22 Understanding Philly’s Basement. 1. Bounce (v .) Definition: to spring back from a surface in a lively manner Synonym: leap, jump, spring Example: The ball bounced off the wall. Word Family : bounce·a·ble , adjective bounce·a·bly , adverb. 2. Clay (n .)

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Wordlist 22 Understanding Philly’s Basement

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  1. Wordlist 22Understanding Philly’s Basement

  2. 1. Bounce (v.) Definition:to spring back from a surface in a lively manner Synonym: leap, jump, spring Example: The ball bounced off the wall. Word Family: bounce·a·ble, adjective bounce·a·bly, adverb

  3. 2. Clay (n.) Definition:thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers Synonym: Example: These dishes were made of baked clay. Word Family:

  4. 3. Infrastructure (n.) Definition:the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively Synonym: Example: The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure. Word Family: in·fra·struc·tur·al, adjective

  5. 4. Ingenious (adj.) Definition:(of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing) cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods Synonym: creative, imaginative, innovative Example: Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials. Word Family: in·gen·ious·ly, adverb in·gen·ious·ness, noun half-in·gen·ious, adjective half-in·gen·ious·ly, adverb half-in·gen·ious·ness, noun

  6. 5. Penetrate (v.) Definition:to move into or through something Synonym: pierce, puncture Example: Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain. Word Family: pen·e·tra·tor, noun pre·pen·e·trate, verb (used with object), pre·pen·e·trat·ed, pre·pen·e·trat·ing. un·pen·e·trat·ed, adjective

  7. 6. Recapture (v.) Definition: If something recaptures a previous emotion or style, it makes you experience that emotion again or it repeats that style Synonym: recover, recollect Example: The film successfully recaptures the joyful style of the 1940s Hollywood musical. Word Family: re·cap·tur·a·ble, adjective un·re·cap·tured, adjective

  8. 7. Scatter (v.) Definition: to ( cause to) move far apart in different directions Synonym: spread, sprinkle Example: The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots. Word Family: scat·ter·a·ble, adjective scat·ter·er, noun scat·ter·ing·ly, adverb

  9. 8. Sewer (n.) Definition: a large pipe, usually underground, that is used for carrying waste water and human waste away from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid of Synonym: drain pipe Example: A complicated system of sewers runs under the city. Word Family: sew·er·less, adjective sew·er·like, adjective

  10. 9. Sinkhole (n.) Definition: a hole formed in soluble rock by the action of water, serving to conduct surface water to an underground passage. Synonym:basin Example: Word Family:

  11. 10. Smuggler (n.) Definition: someone who smuggles Synonym: contrabandist Example: Police arrested a cocaine smuggler. Word Family: an·ti·smug·gling, adjective un·smug·gled, adjective

  12. 11. Sonar (adj.) Definition: equipment, especially on a ship, which uses sound waves to discover how deep the water is or the position of an object in the water, such as a group of fish Synonym: Example: He used the sonar system to locate the valuable stones. Word Family:

  13. 12. Storehouse (n.) Definition: a building in which things are stored Synonym: warehouse, depot Example: He took the tools out of the storehouse. Word Family:

  14. 13. Stroll (v.) Definition: to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, especially for pleasure Synonym: stray, meander Example: We could stroll into town if you like. Word Family:

  15. 14. Suspicious (adj.) Definition: making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong Synonym: dubious, guilty-looking Example: Her behaviour was very suspicious. Word Family: sus·pi·cious·ly, adverb sus·pi·cious·ness, noun hy·per·sus·pi·cious, adjective hy·per·sus·pi·cious·ly, adverb hy·per·sus·pi·cious·ness, noun

  16. 15. Unravel (v.) Definition: make plain or clear; solve Synonym: solve, reveal Example: to unravel a situation; to unravel a mystery. Word Family: un·rav·el·er; especially British, un·rav·el·ler, noun un·rav·el·ment, noun

  17. 16. Vault (n.) Definition:a room or compartment, often built of or lined with steel, reserved for the storage and safekeeping of valuables, especially such a place in a bank. Synonym: repository, safe deposit Example: he was keeping the treasure a vault. Word Family: vault·like, adjective

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