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Advanced Tools and Techniques. Objectives. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Generate scripts using SQL queries Use Dynamic SQL to automate script generation Create an external table Retrieve user context variables
Objectives • After completing this lesson, you should be able to: • Generate scripts using SQL queries • Use Dynamic SQL to automate script generation • Create an external table • Retrieve user context variables • Issue statements that can be suspend upon encountering space condition errors
Using SQL to Generate Scripts • Query dictionary tables • Spool output to a file • Use SQL*Plus or iSQL*Plus settings to remove unneeded text • Use literals and concatenation characters to create SQL commands SET HEAD OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SPOOL drop_user_tables.sql SELECT 'DROP TABLE ' || table_name || ';' FROM user_tables;
Example: Compiling Invalid Objects SET HEAD OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SPOOL compile_invalid_objects.sql SELECT 'ALTER ' || object_type || ' ' || owner||'.'||object_name||' COMPILE;' FROM DBA_OBJECTS WHERE status = 'INVALID' AND object_type NOT IN ('PACKAGE BODY','TYPE BODY', 'SYNONYM'); SELECT 'ALTER PACKAGE ' || owner || '.' || object_name || ' COMPILE BODY;' FROM DBA_OBJECTS WHERE status != 'VALID' AND object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY';
What Is a Procedure? • A procedure is a type of subprogram that performs an action. • A procedure can be stored in the database, as a schema object, for repeated execution. CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter1 [mode1] datatype1, parameter2 [mode2] datatype2, ...)] IS | AS <PL/SQL Block>;
PL/SQL Procedures Procedure IN parameter OUT parameter IN OUT parameter Callingenvironment (DECLARE) BEGIN EXCEPTION END;
Using IN and OUT Parameters CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE gen_rebuild_idx_script (schema IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN FOR idx IN (SELECT owner, index_name FROM ALL_INDEXES WHERE owner = schema) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ALTER INDEX ' || idx.owner || '.' || idx.index_name || ' REBUILD;'); END LOOP; END gen_rebuild_idx_script; / SET head OFF SET feedback OFFSPOOL rebuild_indexes.sql EXEC gen_rebuild_idx_script('HR');
Using Native Dynamic SQL • Dynamic SQL: • Is a SQL statement that contains variables that can change during runtime • Is a SQL statement with placeholders and is stored as a character string • Enables general-purpose code to be written • Enables data-definition, data-control, or session-control statements to be written and executed from PL/SQL • Is written using either DBMS_SQL or native dynamic SQL
The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement • INTO is used for single-row queries and specifies the variables or records into which column values are retrieved. • USING is used to hold all bind arguments. The default parameter mode is IN. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE dynamic_string [INTO {define_variable [, define_variable] ... | record}] [USING [IN|OUT|IN OUT] bind_argument [, [IN|OUT|IN OUT] bind_argument] ... ];
Dynamic SQL Using EXECUTEIMMEDIATE CREATE PROCEDURE del_rows (p_table_name IN VARCHAR2, p_rows_deld OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||p_table_name; p_rows_deld := SQL%ROWCOUNT; END; / VARIABLE deleted NUMBER EXECUTE del_rows('test_employees', :deleted) PRINT deleted
Dynamic SQL Example DECLARE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1024); CURSOR get_obj IS SELECT object_name, owner FROM ALL_OBJECTS WHERE owner = UPPER('&schema_name') AND object_type IN ('PACKAGE','FUNCTION','PROCEDURE','TYPE'); BEGIN FOR rec IN get_obj LOOP sql_stmt := 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM '||rec.object_name||' FOR '||rec.owner||'.' ||rec.object_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sql_stmt); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; END LOOP; END; /
External Tables • The Oracle Database enables the transparent access, processing, and integration of external flat files: • Transparent access of external data from within the database • Highly efficient procedural processing of complex data structures • Optimal integration into SQL for bulk processing
PRODUCTS_EXT PROD_ID PROD_NAME ... PRICE DISCOUNT 10 50 ml Beaker 22.00 5.00 20 50 ml Conical Flask 25.50 8.50 30 50 ml Measuring Cylinder 50.00 9 .00 ... External Tables and the Oracle Database CREATE TABLE PRODUCTS_EXT…; 10, 50 ml Beaker, .., 22.00, 5.00 20, 50 ml Conical Flask, ... ,25.50, 8.50 30, 50 ml Measuring Cylinder, ...,50.00, 9.00 40, ... Data in the external file SELECT .. FROM PRODUCTS_EXT; Oracle Database
External Tables: Example CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY trace_files AS '/u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump'; CREATE TABLE alert_log ( line_text VARCHAR2(80) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL ( TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY trace_files ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE BADFILE 'rejects.bad' LOGFILE 'output.log' FIELDS (line_text CHAR(80)) ) LOCATION ('alert_orcl.log') ) REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
Retrieving User Context Attributes • Retrieve the following information: • The name of the user who logged onto the database • The method by which that user was authenticated SQL> SELECT SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 2> 'SESSION_USER') "USER",3> SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 4> 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE') Auth_meth 5> FROM DUAL; USER AUTH_METH ----------------- -------------------- OE DATABASE
Resumable Statements A resumable statement: • Allows you to suspend large operations instead of receiving an error • Gives you a chance to fix the problem while the operation is suspended, rather than starting over • Is suspended for these conditions: • Out of space • Maximum extents reached • Space quota exceeded
Using Resumable Space Allocation • Queries, DML operations, and certain DDL operations can be resumed if they encounter an out-of-space error. • A resumable statement can be issued through SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*Loader, or the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). • To run a resumable statement, you must first enable resumable statements for your session. ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE; INSERT INTO sales_new SELECT * FROM sh.sales; ALTER SESSION DISABLE RESUMABLE;
EMPLOYEES table EMPLOYEES table Used block Free space Resuming Suspended Statements SQL Statement Suspended Continue SQL operation AFTER SUSPENDtrigger ABORT
Summary • In this lesson, you should have learned how to: • Generate scripts using SQL queries • Use Dynamic SQL to automate script generation • Create an external table • Retrieve user context variables • Issue statements that can be suspend upon encountering space condition errors
Practice 17 Overview: Using Dynamic SQL • This practice covers the following topics: • Using Dynamic SQL • Retrieving user context information