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CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 1 CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Risky Situation CMGT 400 Week 1 Team Assignment Kudler Fine Foods CMGT 400 Week 2 DQ 1 CMGT 400 Week 2 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 2 Individual Assignment Common CMGT 400 Week 2 Team Assignment Kudler CMGT 400 Week 3 DQ 1 CMGT 400 Week 3 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 3 Individual Assignment Disaster Securing CMGT 400 Week 3 Team Assignment Kudler Fine Food CMGT 400 Week 4 DQ 1 CMGT 400 Week 4 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 4 Individual Assignment The Role of Information CMGT 400 Week 4 Team Assignment Kudler Fine Foods CMGT 400 Week 5 DQ 1 CMGT 400 Week 5 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 5 Team Assignment Kudler Paper CMGT 400 Week 5 Team Assignment Kudler Presentation
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CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 ENTIRE COURSE CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 1 What is the mindset required to properly protect information? What role does reasoned paranoia play in the minded and how can an individual keep the proper balance between protecting information and enabling business? • CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 1CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 2CMGT 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Risky SituationCMGT 400 Week 1 Team Assignment Kudler Fine FoodsCMGT 400 Week 2 DQ 1CMGT 400 Week 2 DQ 2CMGT 400 Week 2 Individual Assignment CommonCMGT 400 Week 2 Team Assignment KudlerCMGT 400 Week 3 DQ 1CMGT 400 Week 3 DQ 2
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 Week 1 DQ 2 CMGT 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Risky Situation CMGT 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Risky Situation Complete the University Material: Risky Situations table found on your student website. List three types of sensitive information involved with each situation. Identify three ways each information item could be misused or harmed. Answer the questions at the end of the table. • How can information be an asset in a company? Discuss three different examples of information that should be protected by a company and not exposed. Include several examples of what management could do to protect each example.
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 Week 1 Team Assignment Kudler Fine Foods IT Security Report CMGT 400 WEEK 1 DQ 2 Discussion Questionsethical is not as clear as what is legal, so ethical choices are more open to debate.o A student with a 4.0 GPA who has never been suspected of cheating is found in possession of a set of test answers for an upcoming final exam. In a news story, a local reporter labels the student as a culprit before revealing that the answers were in a • CMGT 400 Week 1 Team Assignment Kudler Fine Foods IT Security Report - System Review • Kudler Fine Foods is in the process of developing a customer loyalty program and related system to give rewards to their customers based on their purchases and other relevant information. Your team has been asked to direct the
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT CASE STUDY EVALUATION CMGT 400 WEEK 2 CHECKPOINT SEARCH QUESTIONS CheckPoint: Search Questions Resource: Ch. 4 of the text. Create four search questions you think will be effective in researching the topic you chose last week. Discuss in 250 to 300 words how the wording of each question can help you maintain the focus of your search despite information that may bias your investigation’s purpose • Assignment: Case Study EvaluationReview the Appendix in the text (pp. 285–300), which details a news story with delineated information sources. Identify the information sources you believe provide the strongest of each of the following:o Credibilityo Accuracyo Timelinesso Authorityo Reputation
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 3 CHECKPOINT NEWS MONITORING SERVICES CMGT 400 WEEK 3 DQ 1 Discussion Questions State your topic and a single, well-defined question concerning the topic that you want to answer. Identify whether your intent is to persuade, inform, or present a solution. Identify your prospective audience by considering to whom this question is important. Suggest possible primary and secondary sources you might include in your information search. • CheckPoint: News Monitoring ServicesResource: Ch. 10 of the text. Investigate a breaking news story about your chosen topic at each of these news monitoring services:o http://news.yahoo.com/o http://www.ibiblio.org/slanews/internet/archives.htmlo http://news.google.com/ing each site in 200 to 250 words total:o How easy or difficult was it to locate information?
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 3 DQ 2 CMGT 400 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT MULTIPLE POINTS OF VIEW Assignment: Multiple Points of ViewResources: Ch. 3 & Ch. 10 of the text. Review the point of view diagram on p. 39 of the text and consider how the interests of the perspectives vary. Identify as many different possible points of view you are able to think of with regard to the topic you selected. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper explaining the following: • Discussion Questions • State your topic and a single, well-defined question concerning the topic that you want to answer. • Identify whether your intent is to persuade, inform, or present a solution.
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 4 CHECKPOINT JOURNALISTIC SOURCES CMGT 400 WEEK 5 CHECKPOINT INFORMAL SOURCES CheckPoint: Informal SourcesResource: Ch. 7 of the text.Summarize in 250 to 300 words observation oversights and interview distortions that can compromise information from informal sources. • Check Point: Journalistic SourcesResource: Ch. 10 of the text. Select three types of journalistic stories from pp. 216–217 of the text and explain the following in 250 to 300 words:o How would your topic be presented in each type of story?o Which types of journalistic information about your topic would be associated with each type of story?
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 5 DQ 1 CMGT 400 WEEK 5 DQ 2 Discussion Questions with or curious about. Outline briefly what you believe you already know about the topic and assess how much of this information is from the following sources: o Reading o Personal experience o Hearsay o Chain emails o Chat rooms o Anecdotal evidence o Other Consider responding to your classmates by weighing the credibility of the information sources listed above. effective in conducting research on your • Discussion Questionswith or curious about. Outline briefly what you believe you already know about the topic and assess how much of this information is from the following sources:o Readingo Personal experienceo Hearsayo Chain emails
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 7 CHECKPOINT INFORMATION EVALUATION CMGT 400 WEEK 7 DQ 1 Discussion Questionsom p. 235 of the text to your chosen topic. Select the two questions you believe are most important in putting together a clear and convincing presentation of your topic. Explain your selections. Consider responding to your classmates by adding your perspective to their critical thinking concerns.–238 of the text) and the consequences of not meeting the following standards:o Clarityo Recency • CheckPoint: Information EvaluationResource: Ch. 11 of the text. Review the information from the Information Trail Assignment and your classmates’ responses to your discussion question answers this week. Analyze the following questions with regard to your chosen topic in 250 to 300 words:o What information should be verified? Why?o What information needs to be reinvestigated? Why?o What would be the consequences of publicly disclosing this information? Why?
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 7 DQ 2 CMGT 400 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT MINIMUM VS. MAXIMUM STORY Assignment: Minimum vs. Maximum Story Resource: Ch. 12 of the text. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that evaluates the scope of the information you have reviewed about your topic and describes the following: o the minimum story you could write • Discussion Questions om p. 235 of the text to your chosen topic. Select the two questions you believe are most important in putting together a clear and convincing presentation of your topic. Explain your selections
CMGT 400 UOP Courses CMGT 400 WEEK 8 CHECKPOINT INFORMATION SYNTHESIS • CheckPoint: Information SynthesisResource: Ch. 12 of the text. Outline in 250 to 300 words three different ways information about your topic may be organized, and explain how each type of organization shapes the message differently
CMGT 400 UOP Courses For more course tutorials visit www.uoptutorial.com Get Ready to grant success at exam by shop at uoptutorial