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HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Part 3. Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah…. follow Torah, where truth is simple…. Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;. HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Part 3.
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Introduction follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching is not written to: • Disrupt the Church or Belittle Church Leaders. • Cause any form of Chaos or Rebellion, or • To convince Believers to Tithe in this Ministry. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching however is written: • Because I passionately love you and do not want to see you being led astray. • Because I desire that the "Truth" in the Scripture be revealed to you, and • That Y’shua be glorified and YHWH’s Kingdom be expanded. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Short introduction as per previous teachings • The word "Law", also generally known as • Commandments, • Moses, Moses’ writings, Law of Moses, • Ordinances, etc., • is the Hebrew word "Torah". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word "Torah" is derived from the Hebrew root-YARAH. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word "Torah" therefor has many meanings because of its saturated richness: Instructions, Revelations, to throw accurately, to strike the target, to reveal, to teach, Law, Teachings, shoot arrow straight, Doctrines, Customs, Theory, Guidance, or System, etc. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. The word "Law" unfortunately was selected, which is not accurate at all and holds a negative connotation, follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. The word "Law" unfortunately was selected, which is not accurate at all and holds a negative connotation, a strategy from satan himself! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word YHWH’s"Teachings" should have been used. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word YHWH’s"Teachings" should have been used. With that as background lets now look at another verse used by the masterly deceived Christians to motivate that the Law has been done away with. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Verse used by Anti-Torah Christians follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Lets just quickly recap and summarize what Y’shua said in simple easy to understand terms in John 5:46-47 about YHWH’s Teachings… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 John 5:46-47 – Y’shua defines here "if you believe Him" "For if you believed Moshe , you would have believed Me, since he wrote in the Torah about Me. But if you do not believe his writings of My Torah, how can you ever believe and trust My words then? If you do not believe in doing the Torah, then I am a liar to you…" Y’shua your Messiah follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Another verse used by Christians – Matt 5:19 follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Another verse used by Christians – Matt 5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.." follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Their Argument: • If you look two verses back (5:17) it says that "Jesus" fulfilled the Law and it is not applicable anymore. (HRTI proved already in the previous teaching this argument is flawed). follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Their Argument: • If you look two verses back (5:17) it says that "Jesus" fulfilled the Law and it is not applicable anymore. (HRTI proved already in the previous teaching this argument is flawed). • Because "Jesus" did not mention the Ten Commandments here, therefore it can’t be in reference to the Law. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 • Their Argument: • If you look two verses back (5:17) it says that "Jesus" fulfilled the Law and it is not applicable anymore. (HRTI proved already in the previous teaching this argument is flawed). • Because "Jesus" did not mention the Ten Commandments here, therefore it can’t be in reference to the Law. • This verse 19 hereis in reference to the New Testament only, meaning: "Do what is morally right to your brother". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Valid points to consider through logical reasoning follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Valid points to consider through logical reasoning Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Valid points to consider through logical reasoning Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment". We should ask ourselves WHAT IS the least commandment. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Valid points to consider through logical reasoning Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment". We should ask ourselves WHAT IS the least commandment. We cannot just assume "things" and jump to conclusions what we want to believe. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Valid points to consider through logical reasoning Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment". We should ask ourselves WHAT IS the least commandment. We cannot just assume "things" and jump to conclusions what we want to believe. Scripture must interpret Scripture, so where do we find information on the least commandment" ? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment" in Deut 22:6-7. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment" in Deut 22:6-7. All Hebrew and competent Western Scholars know THIS IS the least commandment, the one which Y’shua referred to. (http://www.oceansidejc.org/rabbis-corner/sermons/can-one-embrace-mitzvah-without-a-belief-in-sin/ ) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment Y’shua refer directly to "the least commandment" in Deut 22:6-7. All Hebrew and competent Western Scholars know THIS IS the least commandment, the one which Y’shua referred to. (http://www.oceansidejc.org/rabbis-corner/sermons/can-one-embrace-mitzvah-without-a-belief-in-sin/ ) There wasn’t a New Testament in Y’shua’s time so all quotations came from the Torah, YHWH’s Teachings. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment Deut 22:6-7: When you come upon a bird’s nest along the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, with the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young – follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment Deut 22:6-7: When you come upon a bird’s nest along the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, with the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young – 7 let the mother go without fail, and take the young for yourself, (the reward if you comply from YHWH’s Teaching)so that it might be well with you, and that you shall prolong your days. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment This smallest of the mitzvot is well known amongst Hebrew Scholars as shiluachhaken and YHWHpromises longevity to someone who performs this commandment. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Least Commandment This smallest of the mitzvot is well known amongst Hebrew Scholars as shiluachhaken and YHWHpromises longevity to someone who performs this commandment. That’s a big reward for a small mitzvah! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes What’s extraordinary, however, is that this is one of the only commandments for which we are told a specific reward. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes What’s extraordinary, however, is that this is one of the only commandments for which we are told a specific reward. And this reward only appears in one other place: it is the consequence of "honouring our parents"! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes What’s extraordinary, however, is that this is one of the only commandments for which we are told a specific reward. And this reward only appears in one other place: it is the consequence of "honouring our parents"! Meaning, in YHWH’s eyes it is a sin to transgress either of them , big of small; and sin is the transgression of the Law of YHWH – 1 John 3:4 – even the smallest one! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes This is insignificant in the eye of the general person. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes This is insignificant in the eye of the general person. What we learn here is that when it comes to giving an accounting of our actions, we should NOT assume that we can know what is important and what is secondary. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes But Y’shua says that the "IGNORANT" Christian or Pastor (who doesn’t know about the Torah) who breaks one of the least of the Commandments, the smallest and minutest of His Instructions in the Torah, and teaches others so (which is then ignorant sin), will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes But Y’shua says that the "IGNORANT" Christian or Pastor (who doesn’t know about the Torah) who breaks one of the least of the Commandments, the smallest and minutest of His Instructions in the Torah, and teaches others so (which is then ignorant sin), will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But at least that person will go to heaven! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes But the Christian or Pastor who "WILFUL" reject YHWH’s Instructions for life (Torah) and continue to do so, or allow others to do so; Y’shua by His own word says that that person will go to Hell unless he/she repent! (Y’shua in Matt 7:21-23) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes But the Christian or Pastor who "WILFUL" reject YHWH’s Instructions for life (Torah) and continue to do so, or allow others to do so; Y’shua by His own word says that that person will go to Hell unless he/she repent! (Y’shua in Matt 7:21-23) (NB! Lawlessness is DECEITFULLY translated out of most of the New Testaments as "evildoers", "practice evil", "work iniquity", etc ) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes "The Christian or Pastor who "WILFUL" reject YHWH’s Instructions for life (Torah)…" Each ONE of you observing this teaching knows such a person, and it is YOUR duty to go and tell that person according to Ezek 3:17-21before it is to late! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 The Facts by viewing the Verse through Y’shua’s eyes "The Christian or Pastor who "WILFUL" reject YHWH’s Instructions for life (Torah)…" Each ONE of you observing this teaching knows such a person, and it is YOUR duty to go and tell that person according to Ezek 3:17-21before it is to late! Beloved, YHWHwill hold you accountable; you can rattle, ramp and rave, but your day will come IF you do not assist your brother! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Ancient Hebrew Wisdom on Sinners… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Ancient Hebrew Wisdom on Sinners… "When Wisdom is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It answers, 'Evil shall pursue sinners.' follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Ancient Hebrew Wisdom on Sinners… "When Wisdom is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It answers, 'Evil shall pursue sinners.' When Prophecy is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It replies, 'The soul that sins shall die.' follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Ancient Hebrew Wisdom on Sinners… "When Wisdom is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It answers, 'Evil shall pursue sinners.' When Prophecy is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It replies, 'The soul that sins shall die.' When Torah is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It replies, 'Let him bring a guilt offering and his sin will be expiated.' follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 Ancient Hebrew Wisdom on Sinners… "When Wisdom is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It answers, 'Evil shall pursue sinners.' When Prophecy is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It replies, 'The soul that sins shall die.' When Torah is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' It replies, 'Let him bring a guilt offering and his sin will be expiated.' When YHWH is asked, 'The sinner, what is his punishment?' He replies, 'Let him repent, and his sin will be expiated for him.' follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 3 YHWH firmly warns us of Inherit Lies… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;