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Vitamin C

Vitamin C. Lily Chin Nikita Gupta Shirley He Brenda Wong. Vitamin C. Ascorbic Acid water soluble helps to synthesize collagen, norepinephrine, and carnitine Antioxidant. Vitamin C. Function in the Body. Collagen –important part of blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bone

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Vitamin C

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  1. Vitamin C Lily Chin Nikita Gupta Shirley He Brenda Wong

  2. Vitamin C • Ascorbic Acid • water soluble • helps to synthesize collagen, norepinephrine, and carnitine • Antioxidant

  3. Vitamin C

  4. Function in the Body • Collagen –important part of blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bone • Norepinephrine/noradrenaline – neurotransmitter that affects mood and brain function • Carnitine – small molecule essential to transport of fat to mitochondria where fat is turned into energy

  5. Vitamin C Deficiency •  can occur from • a diet low in vitamin C (not enough fresh fruits and vegetables) • cooking food (destroys vitamin C) • pregnancy, breastfeeding, surgery, and smoking increases the body's requirements for vitamin C, which increases the risk of deficiency

  6. Severe Deficiency • can lead to scurvy • causes bruising • swollen gums and loss of teeth • dry hair and skin • Anemia • wounds no longer heal • impairs bone growth in young children

  7. Deficiency Symptoms • fatigue, irritability • Depression • weight loss • muscle/joint pain

  8. Treatment • high doses of daily vitamin C • supplements symptoms disappear after 1-2 weeks

  9. Vitamin C Toxicity/Statistics • Body does not store vitamin C • Therefore vitamin C is rare • If you consume more than 200 mg a day, you have: • Stomach ache • Diarrhea

  10. Fun Fact • To avoid Vitamin C overdose, do not drink a full bottle of naked juice. Some flavors contain over 400% of your daily recommended intake, which is 8000 mg a day.

  11. Top 10 Food Sources • Guava • Red sweet pepper • Kiwi • Orange • Green sweet pepper • Grapefruit Juice • Vegetable Juice Cocktail • Strawberries • Brussels Sprouts • Cantaloupe

  12. Good Food Sources of Vitamin C • Substantial amount of vitamin C in relation to its calorie content • Contributes at least 10% of the U.S. RDA • U.S. RDA for Vitamin C is 60 mg/day

  13. Food Sources • Vitamin C can be lost from food during preparation, cooking, storage. To retain Vitamin C: • Serve fruits and vegetables raw • Steam, boil food with minimum water • Cook potatoes in their skin • Refrigerate prepared juices

  14. Bibliography • http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminC/ • Benjah-bmm27 • http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec12/ch154/ch154i.htmlhttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002404.htm

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