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ONLINE self-study. Occupational Noise Exposure OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95. Occupational Noise Exposure. This presentation will cover the following topics:. The effects of noise on hearing; Hearing protection – purpose, types and use; The purpose of audiometric testing and how it works; and
ONLINE self-study Occupational Noise Exposure OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95
Occupational Noise Exposure This presentation will cover the following topics: The effects of noise on hearing; Hearing protection – purpose, types and use; The purpose of audiometric testing and how it works; and Your right to see noise measurement records and hearing test results.
Occupational Noise Exposure Noise, or unwanted sound, is one of the most common health problems in American workplaces. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates that 30 million workers in the U.S. are exposed to hazardous noise.
Effects of Exposure to Loud Noise Exposure to high levels of noise may cause hearing loss, create physical and psychological stress, reduce productivity, interfere with communication, and contribute to accidents and injuries by making it difficult to hear warning signals.
Effects of Exposure to Loud Noise Exposure to loud noise will inevitably cause hearing loss over time. Loud noise damages or destroys the hair cells in the inner ear. Another effect can be “tinnitus” or permanent ringing in the ear.
Long Term Exposure to Noise Our ears can recover from short exposure to loud noise, but over time nerve damage will occur. The longer and louder the noise, the greater chance permanent damage will occur. There is really no such thing as “tough ears” or “getting used to it”.
Effects of noise to inner ear Hair cells in the inner ear transmit noise signals to the brain. Normal hair cells Noise-damaged hair cells
Hearing Loss From Noise Exposure • Hearing loss from noise exposure is usually not noticed because it is so gradual. • Usually a person loses the ability to hear higher pitches first. • Often the first noticeable effect is difficulty in hearing speech.
Tinnitus From Noise Exposure Exposure to high noise levels can also cause permanent ringing in the ear or “tinnitus”. Tinnitus sufferers usually complain of constant whistling, squealing, roaring or buzzing in one or both ears. Severe tinnitus may disrupt sleep, reduce concentration and cause irritability and depression.
When is Noise Too Loud? Noise is measured in units called “decibels” or “dB” If two people 3 feet apart must shout to be heard, the background noise is too loud (above 85 decibels). Noise above 140 decibels causes pain and immediate hearing loss (e.g. gunshots).
What is Too Much Noise Exposure? Damage from noise exposure depends on the loudness and length of exposure. Scientific studies have shown that hearing loss can occur when 8-hour average noise exposure exceeds85 decibels.
What is Too Much Noise Exposure? The risk of hearing loss increases dramatically as noise levels increase. Exposure to noise levels above 115 decibels for even five minutes is very risky. Impact or banging noise above 140 decibels will cause immediate damage to nerves in the ear.
Daily Allowable Exposure Times to Noise The table below shows noise levels and how long a person can be exposed without hearing protection before there is damage to the ear. Noise LevelAllowable Exposure Time 85 decibels 8 hours 90 decibels 4 hours 100 decibels 1 hour 105 decibels 30 minutes 110 decibels 15 minutes 115 decibels 0 minutes
Examples of Noisy Equipment EquipmentNoise Level Back Hoe 85-95 decibels Chain Saw 110 decibels Front-end Loader 90-95 decibels Gunshot 140 decibels Jackhammer 112 decibels Lawn Mower 90 decibels Tractor 95-105 decibels Circular Saw 90-100 decibels
OSHA Noise Exposure Limits Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) OSHA has established noise exposure standards in order to protect the hearing of employees. There is a level that cannot be legally exceeded. This is called the “permissible exposure limit” or PEL. For an 8-hour Time-weighted Average (TWA): no more than 90 decibels.
85 dB 90 dB OSHA Noise Exposure Limits Exchange Rate OSHA uses a 5 dB exchange rate for the decibel scale. The exchange rate means that increasing the noise level by 5 dB doubles the loudness. For example, 90 dBA is twice as loud as 85 dBA. Twice as loud
OSHA Noise Exposure Limits Action Level When the amount of noise exposure is above the “action level” of 85 dBA, employers are required to implement a hearing conservation program that includes the following: - Conduct periodic noise monitoring - Provide annual audiometric testing - Provide training The Action Level is 50% of the permissible exposure limit (PEL).
UNC-CH Hearing Conservation Program The purpose of the Hearing Conservation Program is to provide for the protection of University employees from long term hearing loss associated with noise levels in the workplace in compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure.
UNC-CH Hearing Conservation Program All University employees whose noise exposures equal or exceeds an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels are enrolled in a hearing conservation program (HCP). Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) administers the HCP for the University. The program includes: Periodic monitoring of noise exposures Annual training on noise exposures Use of hearing protection Annual audiometric (hearing) testing
UNC-CH Hearing Conservation Program Current program participants: Chilled Water Systems Cogeneration Systems Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine- Animal Care Technicians Finley Golf Course Maintenance Department Public Safety Grounds Department Construction Masonry Shop
Noisy Areas & Equipment at UNC-CH EHS conducts noise surveys and personal monitoring to identify areas or activities where noise exposure may exceed the action level. The following slides present noise data for departments enrolled in the HCP.
Chilled Water Systems Chilled Water Systems employees are exposed to noise generated by the mechanical equipment used to provide chilled water to the campus. The chillers and pump motors generate the higher noise levels. Row of chillers at the South Annex Plant Row of pumps at the South Plant
Chilled Water Noise Survey Summary This table displays the minimum and maximum noise levels measured during a survey of four Chilled Water plants. Chilled Water employees should wear hearing protection when working in the plants to help prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss.
Cogeneration Systems Cogeneration Systems employees are exposed to noise generated by the mechanical equipment used to provide steam to the campus. The coal crushers and the turbine generator create the higher noise levels. Coal crusher Housing for the turbine generator
Cogeneration Systems Fuel handling employees are exposed to the highest noise levels from the railcar shaker. The railcar shaker produces approximately 112 dBA. The action level is exceeded after 15 minutes of exposure at this level during a 10 hour shift. Employees should remain in the control room during the operation of the shaker to reduce noise exposure. Coal railcars
Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM) The Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM) is responsible for the care of all vertebrate animals on the UNC-CH campus. DLAM animal care technicians are exposed to noise levels that can reach up to 104 dBA when caring for some of the larger animals. Technicians must wear hearing protection when handling the animals.
Finley Golf Course The equipment used by the Finley Golf Course Maintenance Department to maintain the course produces high noise levels as shown below.
Public Safety UNC Public Safety police officers are exposed to noise levels that reach up to 111 dBA near the student risers during basketball games. The firearms used during annual training/qualifications can exceed 140 dBA.
Grounds Department The Grounds Department has over 60 employees, each an expert in various aspects of landscape design and maintenance, irrigation, tree care, and vehicle maintenance. Here are some of the equipment commonly used by employees to maintain the campus landscapeand their respective noise levels as measured by EHS.
Masonry Department EHS monitored a UNC Masonry employee while the employee used a jackhammer. The noise levels reached 106 dBA. The University of Washington has conducted research on the noise levels of tools used by masonry workers.
Hierarchy of Noise Control Employers must first implement feasible engineering or administrative controls when employees are subjected to sound exceeding the PEL (90 dBA for an 8-hr TWA). If such controls fail to reduce sound levels below the PEL, hearing protection must be provided and used to reduce sound levels below the PEL. Engineering controls involve modifying the noise source so it is quieter. Administrative practices may include shift rotation or exposure limitation.
Hearing Protection Hearing protection devices (HPDs) are considered the last option to control exposures to noise. Employers must make HPDs available to all employees exposed at or above the action level. Employees must wear HPDs when exposed at or above the PEL. HPDs must be provided at no cost to employees and must be replaced as necessary.
Types of Hearing Protection There are three types of hearing protection – ear muffs, earplugs and ear caps. Ear muffs and earplugs provide about equal protection, ear caps somewhat less. earmuffs earplugs ear caps
Types of Hearing Protectors All hearing protectors are designed to reduce the intensity (loudness) of noise to the inner ear. They work much better than wads of cotton or bits of cloth stuffed in the ear. All three types have advantages and disadvantages and people vary on which they prefer to use. Cotton doesn’t work!!
Hearing Protection – Ear Plugs Earplugs are made of foam, rubber or plastic and are either one-size-fits-all or in sizes small, medium and large. Some are disposable, some are reusable. They are lightweight, and require no maintenance. They are inserted into the ear canal.
Ear Plug Comfort Some people may find ear plugs uncomfortable to wear for long periods at first. Ear plugs rarely cause infection or prolonged irritation of the ear canal. Most people can find a comfortable fit by trying several different sizes, types or brands. Custom-molded earplugs can be obtained for maximum comfort. custom molded earplugs
Inserting Foam Earplugs Foam type earplugs are one-size-fits-all and must be inserted properly into the ear. Roll earplug into a small cylinder first, then insert in ear while pulling the ear upwards and outwards. Click here to watch a 5-minute video on fitting foam earplugs.
Inserting Foam Earplugs Earplug incorrectly inserted Earplug correctly inserted
Checking the Fit of Foam Earplugs To check if foam earplugs are fitted properly press firmly cupped hands over your ears while listening to a steady noise. With properly fitted plugs the noise levels should be about the same whether or not the ears are covered.
Premolded Earplugs Premolded earplugs are reusable and made of rubber or plastic. To check if premolded earplugs are fitted properly gently tug on the stem of the inserted earplug. Then, gently move the stem in and out. With properly fitted plugs you should feel slight pressure on your eardrum. This technique is called the tug and pump test. For safe removal, carefully twist the plug to break the seal.
Ear Muffs Ear muffs cover the whole ear and are preferred by some people. They have replaceable pads and some high-tech styles filter out specific noise pitches. They last longer than most plugs.
Attached Earmuffs Some muffs are attached to hard hats or goggles. Some high-tech muffs can filter out certain frequencies or have radios inside for communication in high noise areas.
Ear Muff Comfort & Glasses Muffs can be uncomfortable in hot weather. Muffs don’t seal well for someone with glasses or heavy sideburns.
Ear Caps Ear caps are like earplugs, except they do not go into the ear canal, they only block it. They are good for occasional use or for people who find earplugs uncomfortable. They are not as protective as earplugs or muffs.
Noise Reduction of Hearing Protection The “noise reduction rating” or “NRR” of hearing protection is measured in decibels. The NRR is found on the earmuff or earplug package. The higher the number, the greater the protection. The NRR is determined in a laboratory. The NRR must be adjusted for workplace conditions.
How can you hear anything with earmuffs on? Using earmuffs or plugs in noisy areas can actually make it easier to hear coworkers or machinery. They reduce overwhelming loud background noise. They are similar to dark glasses that reduce the sun’s glare making it easier to see.
Proper Use of Hearing Protection Earmuffs and plugs provide good protection only when used properly. Sometimes people will remove hearing protection for “just a minute” in a noisy area. In areas of very high noise exposure, this could result in noise overexposure. It won’t protect your ears if it is around your neck!!!