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The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region

The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region From maritime policy to a macro-regional strategy for the Atlanti c AN ULTRAPERIPHERAL PERSPECTIVE Paulo Oliveira Madeira Regional Autonomous Government. BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Ultraperipheral Archipelago 500 km to Africa/ 800 to Europe

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The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region • From maritime policy to a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic • AN ULTRAPERIPHERAL PERSPECTIVE • Paulo Oliveira • Madeira Regional Autonomous Government

  2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION • Ultraperipheral Archipelago • 500 km to Africa/ 800 to Europe • Two main islands • 800 Km2 and ## coast line • Population (2011): 247 484 • Dens.: 308, 9 hab/km2 • 75% of population /35% of territory • Major cities in coastal areas • Socio economic activities important input from the sea

  3. Two way Holistic approach Challenges and opportunities

  4. TOP 6 recommendations in fields where a Macaronesia based approach can make a two way strong contribution for the strategy

  5. The strategy should focus on he established EU legislation making a local and regional approach... • Macaronesiaultraperipheral location should be seen as an opportunity for the strategy… • THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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