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Using Technology for Compensatory Strategies

Using Technology for Compensatory Strategies. Charlene Hamrick, SLP and Andrea Lavine, OTR Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital. Objectives. 1. Participants will be able to identify 5 ways to use smart phones as an assistive device for memory or organization.

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Using Technology for Compensatory Strategies

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  1. Using Technology for Compensatory Strategies Charlene Hamrick, SLP and Andrea Lavine, OTR Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital

  2. Objectives 1. Participants will be able to identify 5 ways to use smart phones as an assistive device for memory or organization. 2. Participants will be able to identify 10 online games or applications to work on cognitive linguistic, visual perceptual and motor skills both in and outside of therapy. 3. Participants will be able to identify 3 applications for coaches and athletes to identify signs of a concussion.

  3. Using Technology for Compensatory Strategies • In conjunction with traditional therapy it is often recommended patients use devices to assist as memory and organization aids • These include smart phones, iPads/tablets, video gaming systems, other hand held games. • Be aware of environmental agitators such as lighting, noise, temperature, seating comfort, etc.

  4. Areas Addressed by Today’s Technology • Sequencing/ organization • Synthesis and analysis • Fine motor skills • Gross motor skills • Eye hand coordination • Poor Visual Acuity • Quality control/self-monitoring • Impulsivity/processing speed • Short-term memory • Sustained/divided/ selective attention • Language skills • Problem Solving/ reasoning • Cognitive endurance • Visual field deficits/scanning

  5. Poor Candidates for Smart Phones and Tablets • Poor direction following • Behavioral Issues • People without adequate support systems

  6. Smart Phones as Assistive Devices • Accessibility Features • Zoom to enlarge text, voiceover, speak text option, Swype, video communication, color inversion • Benefits of smart phones and tablets • A multi-use device. It can be a timer, a calendar, visual/audio recorder, scheduler, communication device, internet connection all in one. • Socially accepted- appeals to the younger crowd

  7. Smart Phones & Tablets as an Assistive Device for Memory and Organization • Alarms/Reminders • 10 minute warnings for appointments • Medication reminders • Staying on schedule throughout your day • Time management • Bill pay reminders • Calendars • Keeping track of appointments • Dates bills are due • Anniversaries, birthdays, special occassions

  8. Other Functional Apps • Pill Time (iPhone) • .99 • Medication Reminder • Reminds you when to take your pills • Calendars

  9. Smart Phones and Tablets as an Assistive Device for Memory and Organization • Notes • Recipes • Recording important information • Names • Addresses and phone numbers • To-Do Lists • Grocery List • Errands • Home Management • Task break down Grocery IQ FREE

  10. Smart Phones and Tablets as an Assistive Device for Memory and Organization • Locators • GPS/Navigation System • Bus schedule App • HopStop (Free) • Compass • Low Vision Navigation App (Ariadne GPS) • Traffic Updates (Inrix-Free) • Business locators • Locate Me Now App • .99 • Finds your current location and address with the push of a button.

  11. Other Functional Apps • Textatone • Search Engines • Augmentative Communication • Camera/Video • Calculator • Weather • Voice Recorder • Metronome • Password Manager • 3D Brain • Passbook • Text to Talk/Talk to Text • Magnifying Glasses • Flashlight • Level • Barcode Scanner • HeyTell • Skype • Swype • OoVoo Video Call • LookTel Money Reader • iBooks with voiceover

  12. LookTel Money Reader • Place your camera over the currency and the application speaks the denomination to you.

  13. Weather

  14. Tablet Applications & Software/Websites for Cognitive, Linguistic, Visual Perceptual and Motor Skills Training • Benefits • Can be done independently • Free or low cost • Respite for caregivers • Maintain cognitive, perceptual and motor gains • Objective Data • Graded Levels • Fun • Interactive

  15. Smart Phone & Tablet Applications for Cognitive Linguistic Skills • Tic Tac Free • Pirate Treasure Hunt • Hangman Free • Sudoku Free • Unblock Me • Classic Simon • Build A Lot 2 Free • Conundra • Brainbaseline • Personalized Assessment and Practice • Multi-task • Words with Friends • Traffic Jam • Simple Physics (1.99) • Attentive Brain (iPhone) • Chess Free • Solitaire Free • Frogger

  16. Software and Web-based Games • Big Brain Academy (Wii or handheld device) • Brain Age (Wii or handheld device) • Wii Sports • Just Dance for Wii • Wii Fit • www.eyecanlearn.com • Cognitive Linguistic Software and Web-based Programs • Lumosity • www.braincurls.com • www.fitbrains.com • www.gamequarium.org • www.sharpbrains.com • www.minddabble.com • www.cognitivelabs.com • www.brainline.org

  17. Gamequarium.org

  18. Smart Phone & Tablet Applications for Visual Perceptual Skills • Shoot the Apples • Bubble Blast 2 • Fruit Ninja Free • Temple Run • Draw Something Free • TETRIS (2.99) • Doodle Find • Slice It • MAS-The Puzzle Game • Matrix Match 2 • Word Search • Angry Birds

  19. Doodle Find Temple Run

  20. Online Games & Applications for Motor Skills • Virtuoso • Play It Yourself 4HD • Blaster 2 • Bib • Dexteria (4.99) • Precision • Body & Mind HD • Tapping Test • Reflex Tap

  21. Dexteria Play It Yourself 4HD

  22. How to Search for Apps on Apple Devices • First Google what you are looking for • For example; “iPad apps for fine motor skills” or “iPad apps for visual scanning” • Go to App Store • You can search by: • Featured • Charts • Search • Top Charts • Customer Ratings • Click on “Free” or “Install App”

  23. How To Search for Apps on Android • Go to Google Play • Games • Categories • Brain and Puzzle, Sports Games, Arcade in Action, etc • Apps • Categories • Medical, games, comics, transportation, sports, etc • Featured • Staff pics, games, Verizon • Top Paid • Top Free

  24. Searching for Online Games • Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing) • “Free online cognitive linguistic games” • Don’t bother downloading anything, there’s enough free stuff out there. • Some sites have free trials. Be aware that you may have to subscribe after the free trial. • “Free online visual perceptual activities” • Google Target Words • “Brain games” • “Apps for Brain Injury” • “Free Memory Games”

  25. Concussions • Another type of brain injury • Can build upon one another- post concussive syndrome • Symptoms worsen with each concussion • Sometimes do not show up on brain imaging

  26. Concussions Symptoms include • Difficulty concentrating/attention • Memory problems • Fatigue • Chronic pain • Sleep disturbances • Impulsivity • Higher level reasoning/organization

  27. Diagnosing concussions • Many concussions are results of sports injuries • Coaches can use smart phone/tablet applications to determine next steps after an accident • These are a few options that are available but we can use them in conjunction with behavioral observations • They don’t replace medical advice but are just screening tools

  28. Concussion screening applications • Play it Safe • Free on apple devices • Developed by Concussion Health • For athletic trainers and coaches • Questionnaire and can email report to doctor

  29. Concussion Screening Applications • Concussion Recognition and Response • $3.99 on Android and Apple • Developed by Dr. Gerard Gioia, a pediatric neuropsychologist at Children’s in D.C. • For parents and coaches • Detection plus concussion management advice

  30. SCAT 2: Sport and Concussion Assessment Tool 2 • $3.99 on apple devices • Developed by 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport/Zurich November 2008 • For medical professional use • Baseline, pre-season and pre-concussion evaluations

  31. SCAT 2

  32. Concussion • Free on apple, $4.99 for evaluations • Developed by Sports Safety Labs LLC • Signs, symptoms, quick 911 access and closest hospitals

  33. Thank You! • Questions? • Comments? • Sherry Hamrick, MSCCC-SLP • 303-363-5394 • Charlene.hamrick@healthonecares.com • Andrea Lavine, MS, OTR • 303-363-5346 • Andrea.lavine@healthonecares.com

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