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ME AND MY FAMILY. ME. Hi my name is Marcelóide . I am six hundred and fifty two years old . I have got 2 horns on my head.My body is purple.I have gotthree eyes . I have got a short purple tail , It looks like a little devil’s tail. MY brother.
ME Hi my name is Marcelóide . I amsixhundredandfiftytwoyearsold. I havegot 2 hornson my head.My body is purple.Ihavegotthreeeyes . I havegot a short purpletail , It looks like a littledevil’stail.
MY brother My brother’s name is Nunóide.He is fivehundredandninetythreeyearsold.Mybrotherhasgotbigorangeteeth.He is veryugly. Hehasgotthreebig green eyes.He is tallerthanme.He is green.Hehasgot pimples onhis body.
My father My father’s name is JoidePedróide.Heisonethousandandninetytwoyearsold.Hehasgot a longredtongue.Hehasgoteightlegs.His body is orange.He is veryfat.Hehasgot a bigmouth.Heeats a lot. Hisfavouritefodishumanflesh.
My mother My mother’s name is Marianóide.She is nine hundredandninetyeightyearsold.Shehasgottwoantennasatthe top ofherhead.Shedoesn’thaveanyarmsorlegs.Her body isPink.
Workdone by: • João Pedro nº 16 • Marcelo Sousa n º 17 • Nuno Pinto nº21 6ºE