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Kosmic Address Vs. Holarchical Embeddeness (Bowman, 2012b, JITP). Kosmic Address: Altitude + Perspective Need to differentiate subject, action, and object Perspective-taking is one sort of action Holarchical embeddedness of subject or object: psychograph, sociograph including typologies
Kosmic Address Vs. Holarchical Embeddeness (Bowman, 2012b, JITP) Kosmic Address: Altitude + Perspective Need to differentiate subject, action, and object Perspective-taking is one sort of action Holarchical embeddedness of subject or object: psychograph, sociograph including typologies Holarchical processes: perceptions, analyses, changing relations, choices, actions, etc., of subject and object interaction where agents are positioned initially by holarchical embeddedness
Holarchical Field Theory (Bowman, 2012b, JITP) Field “substitutes events for things having fixed properties, and sees events as totalities in which parts of the event are what they are, qualitatively and quantitatively, only in terms of the rest of the event” (English and English, p. 207) Fundamental Components of Wilberian Integral Theory: Past:Holons (Wilber, 1995) => becomes Holarchically embedded subjects and objects Present:Perspectives (Wilber, 2002, 2006) => becomes a subset of holarchical processes Proposed:Holarchical Fields (Bowman, 2012b) mapping interpenetrating drives between subject and all relevant objects forms potential fields of opportunity and danger where actions taken is the choice subset.
Holarchical Field Theory (HFT) (Bowman, 2012b, JITP) Holarchical Field Theory created by the synthesis of ISP and Holarchical Development (ISP) and the Holarchical Drives are linked with the static-dynamic duality. Dualities Dynamic-Static Dynamic Dualities Static Dualities (subject-object interaction) <-> (subject-object embeddedness) interiorization-exteriorization <-> interior-exterior internalization-externalization <-> internal-external individuation-collectivization <-> individual-collective positive-negative <-> health-pathology ascension-descension <-> higher-lower
Kosmic Habits Vs. Holarchical Field Action (Bowman, 2012b, JITP) Wilber’s Kosmic Grooves Level specific behavior = prob (past expression of holon, historical time of level) prob (Amber Agent Behavior | in Irag or Finland)? Differences in AQAL unexamined surface features In Holarchial Filed Action, the object environment becomes critical Amber agent as subject recives drives from environment Deeply included in Finland by zone? Unhealthily fragmented in Irag by zone? testable
Integral Mathematics Vs. HFT (Bowman, 2012b, JITP) • Subject enacts object • No drives from object to subject examined (unlike HFT) • Only a primary method is specified (unlike HFT) • Internal = Interior: (Reductionism) • Wilber’s (2000b, p. 84) Integral Politics [underlines are mine]: • “when it comes to the cause of human suffering, liberals tend to believe in exterior causes, whereas conservatives tend to believe in interior causes. That is, if an individual is suffering, the typical liberal tends to blame external social institutions (if you are poor it is because you are oppressed by society), whereas the typical conservative tends to blame internal factors (you are poor because you are lazy).
Integral Political-Economic Field Theory (Bowman, Book in Progress) Object Method Subject Economist Economics Economy Integral Political Economy Embedded in HFT Economist, Economics, and Economy Forming actual and potential fields
Object Economy: By Metatheoretical Orientation of Mainstream Principles Method The Value Failures Hard budget constraint. Competitive allocation of scarce resource/funds. Invisible Hand New product development including financial innovation. Cost reductions within firms. Externalities. Borrowing constraints for education. Financial contamination. Short-term incentives & inattention to aggregate risk. Anti-competitive consolidation. Rent-seeking. Private Markets The Government Taxing negative externalities and natural resources. Subsidizing positive externalities Public goods provision. Inflation-output monitoring. Regulation of excessive risk Financial education. Antitrust regulation. Deposit insurance Special interest persuasion. Logrolling. Moral hazard. Pandering populism. Imperfect modeling of economy. Soft budget constraint.
Subject Economist: Political-Economic Types The Value Failures Private Markets The Government Conservatives Radicals Liberals
Subject Economist (cont.) Political-Economic Understanding as a Learning Line of Development.... with Types ConservativeLiberal Radical Immature Deregulate always Always cut taxes Typically sees no role for government except protect private property = Fundamentalist Conservative Fix prices to help us (or poor) now with no regard to unintended consequences Profit incentive has no value No acknowledgment of government failures = Naive Liberal May advocate revolution Favors one change as a panacea (examples: communism or anarchy) Does not honor the partial validity of the modern system = Militant or Utopian Radical
Subject Economist (cont.) Political-Economic Understanding as a Learning Line of Development with Types ConservativeLiberal Radical Sophisticated Markets are often efficient Some market failures exist Government policies often make matters worse Open to less distorting public corrective measures Emphasizes market failures Acknowledges failed liberal policies of the past Sees development as not occurring without sound public corrective measures and investment Market and government failures are interrelated Recognizes unhealthy aspects of industrial democracies Need co-created evolution to a new stage of economic development.
Subject Economist: Political-Economic Understanding as a Learning Line of Development Types Conservative Liberal Radical Level Higher/Healthier: Sophisticated Agents Acknowledge all 4 areas, but emphasize their own ovals D. Gordon (SSA Theorist) Stakeholder Balance & Maturity Polar Revolutionaries: Communist/ Anarchist Elements of Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Milton Friedman J. Buchanan Glen Beck Rush Limbaugh Elements of Tea Party Joseph Stiglitz A. Sen Michael Moore Elements of Occupy Wall Street Lower/Less Healthy: Immature Agents Recognize only within their ovals.
(Economy) Economics [Economist] By Political-Economic Types
Two Subject Economists Enacting Each Other As Partial Objects The Immature-Sophisticated Fallacy Reductionism Elevationism The Sophisticated Conservative Reduced to Fundamentalist by Naive Liberal Naïve Liberal Elevates Oneself Sophisticated conservative concern of unintended consequences of naïve liberal reform seen by... The Financial Crisis is used as evidence that any government intervention is justified because the failures of the neoliberal paradigm. naïve liberal as selfish defense of the privileged business class.
Two Subject Economists Enacting Each Other As Partial Object The Immature-Sophisticated Fallacy Reductionism Elevationism The Sophisticated Liberal Reduced to Naïve by Fundamentalist Conservative Fundamentalist Conservative Elevates Oneself Sophisticated liberal desire to regulate a market failure seen by... Neoliberal paradigm justified by universalizing the assumptions of perfect competition and the falling of communism. immature conservative as ignorant encroachment on freedom and the right to pursue prosperity.
Two Subject Economists Enacting Each Other As Partial Objects The Immature-Sophisticated Fallacy Reductionism The Sophisticated Conservative or Liberal Reduced to Immature by Militant Radical Either a sophisticated conservative emphasis on market resource allocation or sophisticated liberal approach to improve market allocations may be met by.... a militant radical as unwitting support of corrupt elites preventing the natural overthrow of the status quo. Elevationism A utopian radical elevates oneself to sophisticated The recurrence of bubbles is used to justify the abolition of the fractional reserve system without engaging the scholarly literature on this issue.
Two Subject Economists Enacting Each Other As Partial Objects The Immature-Sophisticated Fallacy Reductionism The Sophisticated Radical Reduced to Militant by Fundamentalist Conservative or Naive Liberal Sophisticated radical critique of policy formed by mutually reinforcing self interests of political and business leaders assumed to be... motivated to implement communism or anarchy by the fundamentalist conservative or naive liberal. Elevationism Immature Liberals and Conservatives Elevate Themselves Communism used by Immature Right Unhealthy Hierarchies used by Immature Left Against Holarchical Stage Theories of Economic Development
U.S. Stakeholder Deflections Deflections of blame using immature arguments Incentivized by holarchical embeddedness
Game Theory Showing Pathology Vs. Healthy Cultural Capital: Game 1 - Two egoists and their short-term payoffs Sup-optimal Nash Equilibrium Immature Liberalism use to justify S2 for L Immature Conservatism can justify S2. for H. Both support their preferred beggar-thy-neighbor policies
Game2: Two cooperators and their short-term payoffs Optimal Nash Equilibrium S1 of each supported by economic theory and evidence. Net benefits are even greater in the long-run.
Game 3: A low-skilled cooperator and a high-skilled egoist and their short-term payoffs Sup-optimal Nash Equilibrium If cooperation is conditional for L and the game is repeated: L loses value attached to cooperating and the game reverts to Game 1
Collective Political-Economic Pathology Habermas’s definition of social pathologies: social pathologies occur when one of his specified rationalization complexes are not cultivated to the same degree as the others… or when learning in one is not allowed to interact with learning in another complex(Ingram 2010, p. 319) Example:Considered impolite to talk politics in new social situations: => unable to have mature disagreements in this area U.S.: IQ increased 3 points per decade (Flynn, 2011) U.S. Presidential Debates less scientific since 1960 in economic realm not others (Gorton and Diels, 2011) Bhaskar (1993): The neoliberal triumphalism is a regression in the philosophical discourse of modernity. (IPE: liberal postmodernity provided no alternative beyond welfare capitalism and bubbles bought off liberals.
Collective Political-Economic Pathology A strongly averted or overly critical response to sophisticated or opposing views may be indicative of shadow projections. As the science mounts that the environmental, financial, and distributional trends are not sustainable…. the more entrenched the shadow becomes if ego does not wish to admit the need to change behaviors. • Rather than seeing popular pressures for sensible reform • in response to status-quo gridlock and polarization: The immature aspects of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street stretch us further to the less developed extremes.
Denmark ‘s Economic Transformation Campbell and Pedersen, 2010; Monica Prasad, 2008; Dougherty, 2008) • Late 1980s/early ‘90s, lackluster performance • Since then, considerable improvement in all major macro indicators • with low inequality. • Plus 15% reduction of carbon emissions from 1990 to 2005. • Financial Crisis effects due more to international contamination. • Its sound underwriting standards minimized adverse effects.
Denmark ‘s Reforms Campbell and Pedersen (2010) • “Flexicurity” (flexible but secure) • Firms free to hire and fire • (unlike in Germany or France, but like US), but… • Continued with generous safety net, • but tied them to job seeking and the benefit levels reduced. • Early ‘90s, new and generous retraining benefits. • I increased demand for good programs in already strong vocational education system. • (In contrast to U.S. disqualified students for unemployment benefits and Germany only retrained existing workers) • Institutional decentralization. Retraining programs tailored at • the local level to fit the needs of local employers.
Political-Economic Discourse • Decentralized negotiations among: • unions, employer groups, municipal authorities, educators, and other relevant actors at the regional and local level • U.S.: Pathology in the Poly-Econ Line – capable of doing better • but unhealthy cultural capital leads to suboptimal outcomes. • As financial and enviro liabilities mount, the system got more • dysfunctional and polarized to avoid needed changes • Supports IPE theory: • Stakeholder representation , • Validation of claims using sound theory and evidence. • Healthy communication (high level cultural capital ) for policies that help in the • transformation to a more mature informational economy. • Results in greater cultural capital to reach the optimal Prisoner’s Dilemma • outcome.