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NISO - Fighting homophobia through active citizenship and media education . Emanuela Droghei– Province of Rome. Project overall goal.
NISO - Fighting homophobia through active citizenship and media education Emanuela Droghei– Province of Rome
Project overall goal • Promoting among youngest a wider knowledge and understanding of fundamental rights, specifically in terms of non-discrimination right on the grounds of sexual orientation.
Main project objectives • to facilitate a critical approach to homophobic dynamics among youngest • to identify most common homophobic beliefs, attitudes and stereotypes among youngest and how these are connected to stereotypes present in the macro-society • to identify how stereotypes, beliefs and attitudes determine discriminatory actions at institutional and non-institutional level • to promote essential civic skills and knowledge to act democratically as fundamental instrumental to prevent discrimination regarding sexual orientation • to develop teaching strategies and support materials informed by a participative approach to human right and non discrimination and disseminate them at European level among teachers and teacher associations • to support students in debating the actual situation in term of discrimination and in developing concrete policy-oriented proposal for fighting homophobia • to support students in producing multimedia artifacts aimed at fighting (unmasking) homophobic stereotypes. • to raise social awareness on discrimination based on sexual orientation by disseminating multimedia artifacts produced by students during the project and by mainstreaming the outputs of the research activity
This Workstream aims at identifying youth homophobic attitudes and stereotypes in order to ensure a more socially-situated elaboration of training material and schools activities. • This workstream will inform workstream 2. • Activity 1.1. - Background analysis and secondary data analysis. • Activity 1.2 - Qualitative and quantitative survey in secondary schools and LGBT communities. • Activity 1.3 - Identification of youngest most common attitudes and stereotypes WS 1 Analysis of Homophobic attitudes and stereotypes (T6)
The objective of this workstream is to design training materials and pedagogic strategies in order to carry on the activities in selected schools. • This workstream will be crucial to ensure the successful management of workstream 3. • Activity 2.1 - Evaluation of existing methods and materials and development of NISO training materials • Activity 2.2 - Planning of school activities and fine-tuning of NISO pedagogic strategies • Activity 2.3 - Activation of contacts and agreements with schools and validation of pedagogic strategies WS 2 Elaboration of training materials and planning of school activities (Cavaria)
The objectives of workstream 3 are as follow: • to provide students with the essential information about the legal and social situation of LGBT people in different historical and social contexts; • to provide young people with analytical skills in deconstructing heteronormative and homophobic stereotypes in media; • to engage students in the production of multimedia artefacts aimed at tackling homophobia and promoting equal rights for LGBT people (20-25 short videos will be produced); • to support students in developing concrete policy-oriented proposals to fight homophobia. WS 3 Niso activities in schools (Gay Help Line)
Activity 3.1 - Launch of the activities and first phase of political game (single school level) • Activity 3.2 - Second phase of the political game: development of the communication campaigns (singles school level) • Activity 3.3 - Third phase of political game: towards election (single school level) • The Activity 3.4 - Fourth phase of political game: experience exchange, national election and debriefing of the activities (at national level) • Activity 3.5 - Final phase of political game: meeting at European level and development of a white paper against discrimination WS 3 Activities: Political GAME
3 schools for each country • In each school 60-70 hours of activities (meeting on a weekly base, 3 hours for each meeting. % months of activity. • In each school, we need to form a group of approximately 20 students • 2 videos for each school • Experience exchange residential workshop: 3 days long, in Brussels • We need to consider the school calendar at national level Working with schools
The objective of this workstream is to disseminate and mainstream NISO approach and project outputs • 4.1 – NISO brand identity definition and communication plan development • 4.2 – Website development and online dissemination • 4.3 – Face to face dissemination: conferences and workshops WS 4 Communication and dissemination (GALE)